Chapter 17 - Finn

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is taking so long?" Morgan was roaring. The first man attempted to grab me, and I heard the door opening. I backed up quickly, ducking under the blow the first man had dealt towards me. The flashlight in his other hand wiggled, throwing light around the room. I caught sight of the table I had slammed into. I skidded to the side, using the first man's momentum to lead him into the edge of the table. His stomach slammed into the edge like mine had, but I was ready. Using my bound hands as a large hammer, I brought them down on the man's head as he curled in on his middle. Nose slamming into the wooden table with force, blood erupted. I stepped back for a moment, watching as cracks splintered through the thin wood. With a shudder, the first man's body slid off the table and thudded to the ground, the shattered wood following. The door slammed open.

"She's obviously being – Jesus Christ!" another man, this one with a large gun in his hand, threw open the door to the room I had been kept in. I stared at him, watching light flood the room. He was staring wide-eyed at me. I tensed my muscles as he snapped out of his trance and raised his gun, but then another body was being thrown into the room. A fist flew, and then there was more gunfire. The familiar face of Scott filled my vision and then he was screaming for me to move. I ran as fast as I could back towards the sanctuary, but Scott had other ideas.

"This way, follow me," he hissed quietly. I thrashed against him, but my rush of adrenaline was leaving. My muscles had already started to shake. Voice failing to work, I followed him back through the building, away from my family. As we got outside, we ran headlong into someone. Wide blue eyes filled with fear met mine. Elliot.

I then realized that Scott meant to get me out of there, and then come back for my family.

Hell no.

Using our momentary pause after crashing into Elliot, I tore myself out of Scott's grip and started back towards the door from which we had come. I noticed that as I did, a gun from outside the church fired off. I ignored it. My knee hissed in pain, but I had to get back to them. I regretted not taking the gun from Elliot that I had seen him holding.

More screams filled the building. Sam's. Sobs racked my body. I felt arms grab me again. I clawed at them, my voice scratchy from screaming. I fought for a moment before seeing Elliot run up. His eyes were wide and filled with tears. I hardly noticed Darren running up in the distance, a sniper rifle in his hands. I met Elliot's eyes, but I couldn't find the emotions I used to have for him inside me. Just rage, fear, and pain.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I finally found my voice. I ripped my eyes from Elliot's to look into Scott's. His eyes were watering, but I didn't really care. I had to get to my family. I had to find them, bring them home. With rage flowing through my veins like fire, I was able to throw myself out of Scott's hold on me and burst back into the building. I was relieved to hear no followers.

Losing myself in the cloud of fear wrapped around my mind, I didn't realize that I was lost in the church. I threw myself through different rooms, my eyes practically blinded with tears. My shoulders never ceased their shaking.

After a few excruciating moments, I found myself standing in a doorway, looking at the man who called himself Morgan. His blond hair and light eyes were clear, a smirk painted across his face. I heard a distant ringing in my ears, one that was getting louder and louder with each moment. He was chuckling to himself. My vision tunneled, the edges tinted with red rage.

Something grabbed at my hand after a moment, but I didn't register it. I was already falling, falling into insanity. There was a small exchange of words between Morgan, and I, but I wasn't quite sure what I was saying. The last thing I saw was the red tint of rage and the flash of silver in my hand before I lost everything.

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