Chapter 7 - Elliot

Start from the beginning

I didn't really mean too, but I couldn't help but throw my arms around her and give her one last hug. She immediately responded, tucking her face into my shoulder.

"Promise me I'll see you again," I whispered. She pulled back from the hug, looked me in the eye, and nodded.

"That's two promises I will not break." Finn's eyes glowed despite our moody surroundings. I nodded, squeezing her hand once before stepping back. Finn cast me one last look before turning and bounding through the rain towards their car. The last thing I saw was her yellow jacket disappearing through the door before wheels were tearing up the puddles of water and the car was driving away.

"We're gonna try son, I promise," My dad said, his hand resting on my shoulder. I turned to look at him, but I could hear the worry in his words.

"I know dad," I said quietly. I looked one last time at the Bridgeman's house, all locked up, and tried to give it a silent goodbye. I had grown up in this house, ever since we moved to Malibu. I probably spent more time here than I did in our small house a few miles away.

"Elliot, c'mon sweetie," My mom called. I watched her short brown hair disappear into our car. I snapped out of my trance, pulling my jacket tighter around my shoulders as I walked over to our car and slid into the backseat. My dad turned on some music, but it was quiet compared to the pounding of rain on the windows. I watched as the Bridgeman's house disappeared down the road as we pulled away.

The next few days were rough. My parents struggled to find flights out of the area, and the amount of attacks doubled and tripled with every day. On second night after Finn left, I sat up waiting all night to hear back from her - she should've landed in Amsterdam by now. The rain had finally passed, but the marine layer was sunk in around us and my bedroom window showed nothing but a grey abyss.

9:34 pm. November 13th.

That was the time my tiny digital clock read. I was lying face down on my bed, my phone screen bright in front of me. I was wearing my old pair of sweats, but I couldn't sleep. I had been awaiting a text, an email, a snapchat, anything from Finn. And yet, there was only silence. I was already worried, as well as slightly offended.

My room seemed rather dreary right now, but that was most likely due to the fact everything was dreary right now. It wasn't nearly as big or spacious as Finn or Sam's rooms, but I actually preferred my smaller dorm to their larger bedrooms. My bed was pushed to the back wall, right up against the window. The window was a serious source of chilliness at night, but I liked being able to look out at the ocean. Our house was nowhere near Bridgeman size, but it was small and cozy, and I actually loved it. It was in an apartment complex that sat on the edge of a large cliff, so my bedroom overlooked a small park, and beyond that, the grey waters of the ocean. It was a peaceful view.

"Elliot, are you still up?" Light flooded into my room as my door was opened. I rolled over to see my mother standing in the frame.

"Yeah," I mumbled, shutting my phone off. My mom came and sat on my bed.

"Your father and I have made a decision, but you have to hear us out okay?" My mom said. I sat up straight, feeling the rock from the other day come back.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly. My mother's clear blue eyes met mine.

"We're going to your uncle's. Darren and Ashley - their house up in Portland is safe in a clean zone. Your father spoke with them tonight - they would be thrilled to have us there," My mom explained. I looked away, fury flaring up in my gut. I wanted to scream and shout, but getting mad at my mom was something not very easily done.

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