"Ain't he a lively one" Liam smiled without recalling that he is mad at Zayn but Zayn was happy on the interaction.

"He is but don't trust him. I am sure he is happy because he can narrate you all his boring stories" Zayn said as he walked from the chair to his room

"You shouldn't be the one talking about trust Zayn!" Liam said staring at Zayn with the same eyes Zayn was scared to look in

Without giving an explanation he went in. Liam turned away when Zayn went back to his room. Hours past but Zayn didn't show up. Liam was bored and his neck was in terrible pain and so was his ass. He wanted to stand up at all cost. He tried to shift his hands continuously and he felt the chain loosening.

He constantly checked Zayn's path while making an attempt to free himself. After few twist and turns the chain came out. Harry was the one who tied the chair so he made sure it wasn't that tight to block Liam's wrist but he went easy and Liam was free now.

He quickly got off the chair and went to the main door without a second thought. When he tried to open the door, he found out the door was locked from outside.

"Shit!!!" He angrily cursed.

He turned to Zayn's room and slowly marched towards it. "Zayn must have the keys" he said to himself. He gently pushed door and saw Zayn sleeping on his bed.

He went in his room on tip toes and saw the radiant clock in his wall. It was 11am. He shifted his stare to find countless drawings on his wall. Graffiti everywhere and the left over spots in his wall were covered with drawing.

For a second he stood there admiring the drawings then quickly shifted his attention to search the keys. After a few exploring. he found a bunch of keys beside a photo frame. He reached his hand for the keys but the photo frame caught his attention, and he picked that instead of the keys.

It was Zayn's old family pic back when he was ten old. No doubt he was a cutie. Liam smiled and traced Zayn's face in the photograph. Zayn looked happy and innocent.

He turned to Zayn who was sleeping peacefully.

"Why did you betray me, Zayn?" Liam asked softly making sure he won't disturb his sleep

"You do know that you were my first friend right? I trusted you more than anything else. Then why?" Liam eyes foamed with tear. He saw Zayn changing his turn so he quickly came out of the room.

"I refuse to go from here until you answer my question. They must be a reason. Somewhere my heart still believes in you, you helped me even without knowing who I am. So why? I want the reason Zayn- Just why?" Liam said staring at Zayn from the corner of his eye.

He went back to chair and pulled the chains back to his place but they were loose for anyone to notice.

After a while a noise came from Zayn's room and he rushed out to find Liam on his chair completely trapped.

"Sorry I - I slept. I- was tired. You hungry?" Zayn asked awkwardly. Liam could say that Zayn thought Liam was near him and he ran, Zayn scared face was saying everything.

"I am not hungry!" Liam replied without emotion on his face.

"Hmm if you want something call me. I am right in my room" Zayn said looking at his feet and left.

Now Liam was bored. He knew he was free yet he had to sit there like an idiot. He turned around and saw the untidy things which made him dizzy.

"Fuck I can't stand this!" Liam quickly unwrapped the chains pushing away his thoughts on what will happen if Zayn sees him.


"Thanks for picking me up guys" Niall said while putting the key in the keyhole of the flat.

"Don't mention it, Nialler!" Louis said holding four paper bags in each hand.

Niall opened the door and chanted " I am hooooo-"

Louis and Harry went in after Niall and had their eyes out. Louis dropped the bags on floor.

"This must the wrong house!" Niall said and Louis quickly grabbed the bags from the floor and they all were ready to leave.

"Welcome home boys!" Liam greeted and they turned with pale face.

"Liam?" They all shouted in unison.

"Why are you not in chains?" Louis asked

"My butt was numb from all the sitting" Liam nodded

"Okay" Niall said blankly.

"Where is Zayn?" Harry asked

"In his room from the morning" Liam replied.

"Why didn't you left when you had the chance?" Louis asked

"I want some answers. Then I will leave" Liam said casually.

Louis and Harry marched towards and made him sit on the chair again. This time Harry chained it pretty tightly. Liam frowned.

Zayn heard some voices coming out of his room so he got up from his bed and opened his door.

He went out and his eyes dropped on the view. "What the hell happened here?" Zayn cried in shock but None of the boys responded.

"Guys who the fuck cleaned our house?" Zayn asked like he was about to faint

"I know right! This is pure torture!" Louis joined

"I don't feel like home anymore" Niall cried resting his head on Louis shoulder.

"I thought Zayn is dramatic but you guys are in a league of your own" Liam have a huge sign.

"Hey look the red boots I bought 6 months ago I thought I forgot it on the store but I actually bought it" Harry said happily taking those boots in his hands.

"Oh yeah!" Niall said touching Harry's boots

"So Liam have you seen a red, blue, white, black, and yellow t-shirt with superman logo on it? I bring them and loose them like all the time" Louis picked up a paper bag from floor and took out a green color t-shirt with superman logo on it "see I bought one more"

"Yeah I actually found them. It's weird to see so many superman logo shirts but never mind two of them are in dryers and three of them in that room's closet" Liam said and pointed Harry's room.

"Okay!" Louis smiled at Liam and took steps towards Harry's room

"Wait a second" Zayn said and everyone turned to Zayn "Liam cleaned it?"

"Yeah! When we came here he was out of chains. You are a bad watcher Zayn!" Niall narrowed his eyes on Zayn.

"Yeah that's why I am going to watch over this hottie from now on" Louis folded his hands in conclusion and looked at Zayn who fell in Louis trap like always and was burning in anger.

"Yeah, but don't you have your RJ Boring Tomlinson thing to do?" Zayn asked sarcastically

"I can quit that thing to watch over Liam. Like he is more interesting than that shitty thing" Louis said in a duh tone making Zayn even furious.

"Why didn't you ran away?" Zayn asked Liam

"There is something I want to know. After that I will leave" Liam said calmly

"Like hell you will! I will be more careful next time!" Zayn argued

"Doesn't matter! I know I can storm off from here whenever I want!" Liam said giving a sarcastic smile

"Oh yeah? Let's see about that" Zayn rolled his eyes and went to his room.


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