It is a 3-day vacation so on the first day, you rest for a bit then went for a swim. On the second day, you did so many stuff: snorkeling, parasailing, jet-skiing and other water activities.

At night, you stayed out and sat around a bonfire.

You sat between Zayn and Louis, but you were closer to Zayn since he gestured you to. You saw Bret sitting next to Harry since he's flirting with him which Harry didn't mind at all.

You heard Niall strumming his guitar.

"Wow, you can play a guitar." Niall nods. "I guess you can sing too?" Jade asked him.

"Well, yeah... the five of us can." Niall answered.

"Really?" You say amazed.

"Yup. Do you want us to sing?" Zayn told you.

"Sure, why not?" You glance at Louis. You want to hear him sing, because you didn't know he could.

Niall started playing a song you can't recall, but the melody sounds pretty good.

Harry is the first one to sing, and Bret just look at him with his head in his hands full of admiration.

No doubt, they really can sing. They can harmonize too.

"So kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks," Zayn sings, "A long way from the playground."

You flinch a little when Zayn holds your hand, then you gave him a fake smile when he looked at you.

"I have loved you since we were 18," You heard an angelic voice. You look up at Louis and your eyes met, "long before we both thought the same thing, to be loved and to be in love."

It feels like he was saying it directly at you.

They finished singing and you three clapped. "Wow that's amazing," Bret praised, "you guys should try to audition to X-Factor or something" you and Jade agreed.

"Another song please." You requested. It feels really great because you learned Louis' another talent and you wanted to hear more.

"Alright." Niall started playing a more familiar song.

"Maybe it's the way she walks..." Harry nods his head along with the beat.

Later on, they started dancing. You laugh at them while they make silly dance steps which they probably made up together.

"C'mon (Y/N) dance with us." Zayn pulled you up, and you just went along with their steps.

After a few seconds Zayn tap you on the shoulder and when you turn to face him, his lips brushed against yours.

You were absolutely shocked. You look at Zayn and he just continued dancing like he wasn't even bothered about what he just did.

And to the fact that when he did that, you caught Louis looking. Though he didn't react, it bothered you real bad. You were angry. Zayn didn't ask for your permission, he just stole your first kiss.

The next day, it's time to go home. When Zayn is talking to you, you give him the cold shoulder but he didn't notice it.

You finally arrived at your home, Zayn walks you to your porch.

"Bye," you turn away from him, unlocking the door.

"No goodbye kiss?" Zayn said which make you pause.

You face him angrily, "and why?"

"Because you're my girlfriend." Zayn stared at you like you forgot.

That's it.

"I'm not your girlfriend."

"What are—"

"I didn't even respond to your question that time, so we never had something between us."

Zayn's expression changed, "then why were you entertaining me?"

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." You say truthfully.

Zayn panicked, "(Y/N), please tell me you're joking."

You shook your head, "I'm not Zayn."

"Just... just give me a chance to prove to you that—"

"Look Zayn," It's time to end it. "You're a sweet guy and all. But I already have someone in my heart."

He looked troubled, you didn't to want to hurt him but it's time to end things with him.

"Who?" He then asks.

You didn't respond to his question, "I'm sorry, Zayn. I know you will find someone better. You deserve someone better."

You step inside your house and at the same time stepping out of his life.

You thought you would regret what you did, but you didn't. It feels like a huge weight has been taken off your chest.

Tomorrow morning...

*rings doorbell*

"Coming—! Zayn? Why are you here?"

"Louis, can we talk?"

"About what?"

"I'll tell you inside."

"Okay, come in." Louis step aside and Zayn walked in his house.

They sat down, "So what is it?"

"It's (Y/N)..." Zayn started to tell him.

"It hurts ya'know? I never have been treated like this before.." Zayn says.

"There's just one favor I want to ask you, Louis." Louis just look at him, "don't fall in love with her."

Louis was surprised, "why are you telling me that? Am I the reason she broke up with you?"

"N-no, it's just that... you're my very best friend, and if ever I see you with her, it will hurt me." Louis doesn't know what to say.

"Please, bro." Zayn gave him a pleading look,

"Zayn this is crazy."

"Just promise me you won't."

Louis sighs and slowly nods, "I won't."

Zayn goes over to give him a bro hug and Louis hugged back.


Important Announcement:

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to say that it's our last day of school break today and I'll be busy again :—(
But I will try my best to update the next part of this imagine within the week.
Hope you all understand.
Thank you for reading!
See you soon

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