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Okay hi everyone yes I know I said in my last A/N I was giving up writing but that's just stupid. I was just really hurt and very upset and I make stupid decisions sometimes. I'm going to finish this book I just need you guys to have patience with me I'm still healing and some days are okay others not so much, but after I'm finished I don't know if I'll continue writing I don't know yet but that's a decision to be made in the future. Enjoy the update.

*Perrie's Pov*

Words couldn't convey the scene in front of me when Jesy reached the bar. Leigh Anne on the other hand, seemed less surprised and certainly less concerned, Her arm still draped over him. That girl had a serious problem with trying to claim things that didn't belong to her.

Jesy glared at them, her hands clenching and unclenching at her side.

"Tell me this is your really poorly planned idea of a surprise threesome before I kill you with my bare hands."


Jesy cut him off with a flick of her wrist. "Don't Jessica me. Explain this."

"I thought she was slow but honestly, what do you even see in her?" Leigh Anne tapped her nails on his shoulder, a malicious smile creeping over her lips.

"How long?" Jesy demanded, ignoring Leigh Anne.

"It's not what—"

"Do not say 'it's not what it looks like!' For one thing, I have eyes and for another, it's cliche," she added. Her jaw tensed as her eyes flashed back and forth between them. "How long?"

"Your fiancé and I have known each other for years. We were childhood playmates and then we were...playmates." Leigh Anne ran her tongue over her teeth like she'd just devoured something delicious. She turned her attention to me and blinked.

"In fact, we reconnected at your housewarming party."

Up until this point I'd stayed back, torn between anger and shock but her words thawed my numbness, freeing me from my stupor. Apparently she hadn't taken my warning seriously. But if she thought that she could get to me through my friends she had another thing coming. I'd suffered Leigh Anne for long enough. Without thinking I lunged forward, my hand balling into a fist.

Unfortunately Luke was faster. He hooked an arm around me and hauled me a few steps back.

"This is not your fight," He said firmly.

"Like hell it isn't," I hissed.

"No," Jesy said, her voice eerily placid. "It's mine."

And then her fist smashed into Leigh anne's nose.

"And that's what they mean by the calm before the storm," Luke muttered. He shook his head and jumped between the two women, capturing Jesy around the waist and pulling her back.

"Fucking bitch!" Leigh Anne screamed as she held her nose.

"It takes one to know one," Jesy shot back, fighting Luke's hold on her waist.

"We fucked in his bed! In his car!" Leigh Anne's vitriol spewed as freely as the blood spewed from her nose. "We even fucked in your flat on the kitchen counter!"

Luke pushed Jesy toward me but she broke free and She twisted her engagement ring off and held it in front of her nose. "I'm keeping this for damages. I'm glad you two found each other. It's a real match made in hell."

I glanced around realising that a crowd was gathering. Hooking my arm through Jesy's I tugged her toward the door. When she resisted, Caitlin took her other side. With us surrounding her, Jesy straightened up coolly and walked away. We were almost out the door when the first security arrived. The trouble was that I didn't know whose security team it was.

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