"What?", Ava asked almost crying.

"Ava it's not safe. You have to trust me and follow everything I say.", Emma said

Ava nodded her head and Emma hugged her daughter.

They  both grabbed their backpacks and empty it out. Ava and Emma put a jacket and and shirt and a pair of jeans. Luckily they sneakers on so they were really all set. Emma put as much water bottles in her bag and Ava put food in hers. AvaI went in the trunk to find her Bow and Arrows.. Thank goodness it is okay. Ava carried  a gun, and knife in the back of the car. She has to protect her and Ava some way.

"Ready." Emma asked.

"Ready." Ava replied and they both started walking of in the woods









Ava and Emma  were walking in the woods heading in the opposite way of Atlanta. Emma  thought that Atlanta would probable not be safe. So they decided to go back to King County.  Emma felt really bad about leaving Daryl and Merle back in Atlanta. But she needs to protect her kid.

It was getting dark. The fact that Ava and Emma were in the woods not even encountering a walker yet was great. But it could happen any moment.

"What time is it?" Ava asked.

"I'm not sure sweety", Emma replied.

"Let's climb a tree." Emma suggested. They looked for a good tree and climbed it. They found a really high tree so walkers couldn't get to them. When we they got  high enough to see Atlanta they saw it  getting bombed. All Ava and Emma started   thinking about was Daryl and Merle and if they made it out of Atlanta. Ava started crying. They sat on a branch and just looked out at Atlanta.

"They made it. I know they did", Ava's  mom said referring to Merle and Daryl.

The sun was rising. They climbed down they saw two walkers. Ava Didn't know what to do. She thought they were human but she saw blood comming from the mouths and skin missing.  She stood in fear.  They got closer and closer to Ava but Emma stabbed them both. Ava knew she  needed to  kill it but this is her first encounter with them.

"You need to kill them.", Emma said.

There was another walker and Ava got her Bow ready but right as she was about to let go it got shot in the head. Ava still had her bow up. Emma got her gun up. They saw people staring at them. A  man and woman were there. A girl about my Ava's age  is there.

"Hello" the Mom said.

"Hi"  Ava replied

"Name is Heather . This is my husband Anthony and my daughter Kyra." Heather told them.

"Hi I'm Ava , and this is my mom Emma." Ava said.

"Where are you guys headed?", the mom asked.

"Back to our town", Emma replied.

"Mind if we join", asked the dad.

"Not at all", Emma replied.

Heather smiled.

"If we run into any walkers we need to avoid killing them with guns or it makes more come.", Anthony said.

"What are walkers?", Emma asked

"They are they monsters.", Heather said.

On the way to King County Emma, Anthony and Heather were talking.. Anthony was in the back, Kyra and Ava were in the middle and Emma  and Heather were in the front. Kyra and Ava just small talk. It was going to be a long trip so they all might as well get to know each other.


Dead bodies everywhere. No one in sight. The little group finally made it to King County.  Ava  ran quickly to her house. Her mom followed and so did Heather, Anthony and Kyra. When Ava  was running she  ran into five walkers and she just passed by them. When she  got to her  house she took the extra key that was hiding in a plant. She unlocked the door and ran right in. The place was a mess.

It looked like someone broke in.

She  went upstairs into her room. Her clothes were everywhere. Someone broke in. She heard her mom and the others come in and talking about where to go next.

"Ava. Ava are you here? Ava heard her mom.

"I'm in my room." Ava sat on her bed and thought she was dreaming.

"This can't be happening. I'm in a dream. I'm actually in the car with my mom going to Atlanta." Ava thought to herself

When she went downstairs her  mom looked at her very sadly. Ava knew that was a cue for us to go. She noticed that she had two bags with her. It's probably filled with food or supplies. They left the messy  house. Ava told her  mom she  wanted to go to Carl's house and that's where they  went.

Ava walked around the house. It was mess. The door was open and clothes were everywhere. The chairs were flipped around. Ava walked into Carl's room. She saw that is was messy too. She saw a picture of her and carl she picked it up and took the photo out. Ava grabbed a sharpie and wrote on the back of it. And left it on the kitchen table.

"WALKERS!" Kyra screamed

Ava ran outside with the rest of the group. They ran as fast as they could. Heather and Anthony were carrying one of the  bags and Kyra was shooting at the walkers in the way.

By the time they stopped running they were outside of King County. Memories started flowing through Ava's  head. Her childhood was gone. She will miss King County. She grew up there. They started walking Emma,  Anthony, and Heather were talking about places to go like D.C. Ava decide to talk to Kyra.

"Hey" Ava said.

"Hey" she replied.

"You really are good at using a gun" Ava said "Maybe you can teach me."

"Sure, but you have to teach me how to use the bow" She said and they both chuckled.

"I will." Ava said.

Familiar Faces ~ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now