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Aries | You, Aquarius, and Leo are laughing your asses off with terrible singing.
Taurus | You, Cancer, and Pisces are hanging out when you hear singing. You join the party with Mikey, Sagittarius, and Libra.

Gemini | You sing badly on purpose for a joke around Donnie and Virgo, annoying them, but eventually you sing good, and a good song. It brings Virgo in and eventually Donnie too.

Cancer | You, Pisces, and Taurus are hanging out when you hear laughter and singing, you join the party with Mikey, Sagittarius, and Libra.

Leo | You, Aries, and Aquarius are laughing your asses off with terrible singing.

Virgo | You are with Donnie until Gemini comes in, annoying you two with terrible joke singing. But then she sings good and you decide to join in, Donnie following.

Libra | You are with Mikey and Sagittarius.

Scorpio | You and Capricorn are with Raph, you guys somehow ended up testing each other to see who could sing better and couldn't decide. You all were fucking terrible.

Sagittarius | You and Mikey like to sing with Libra, a mini party happening until a few other of the signs decide to chill with you guys and have fun.

Capricorn | You and Scorpio are with Raph, you guys somehow ended up testing each other to see who could sing better and couldn't decide. You all were fucking terrible.

Aquarius | You, Aries, and Leo are laughing your asses off with terrible singing.

Pisces | You, Cancer, and Taurus are hanging out when you hear laughter and singing, you join the party with Mikey, Sagittarius, and Libra.

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