As Qoutes

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Aries |
Casey Jones: These things aren't human.
Raph: Well, incase you haven't noticed, neither am I.

Taurus |
Raph: I'll fill you in over dinner.
Mikey: Dinner? Now you're talking my language!
Raph: What language is that, nitwit?

Gemini |
Leo: We don't know the meaning of the word 'defeat'.
Mikey: That's right, 'cause we never bothered to look it up in the dictionary.

Cancer |
Mikey: Do you want omelette pizza or pizza omelette?
Raph: What's the difference?
Mikey: Okay, you caught my bluff.

Leo |
Splinter: How many times have I told you not to sneak up to the surface?
Mikey: This month?
Donnie: About 512 times Sensei.

Virgo |
Donnie: I can't keep fighting alien technology with a six foot staff.
Splinter: A seven foot staff...Interesting.
Donnie: No, I meant using modern technology.
Splinter: Ah! A solar powered staff!
Donnie: I'm serious sensei.

Libra | 
Donnie: Snake turned into a weed!
Mikey: Huh, you think he'd turn into a snake.
Raph: Why would you think that?
Mikey: His name is 'Snake'.
Raph: SO?
Mikey: You don't understand science.

Scorpio |
Mikey: (Foot-ninjas break through windows) Boy, and I thought insurance salesmen were pushy.

Sagittarius |
Raph: Okay Leo, I'll bite, what are we doing up here?
Leo: I told Splinter I'd get the team in shape again.
Mikey: Hey I've been training! Since you left, my video games scores have like, doubled.
Leo: Right...

Capricorn |
Raph: I just wanted to apologize for earlier...
Leo: who are you and what have you done to my brother?

Aquarius |
Raph: I smell smoke.
Donnie: I smell gas.
Raph: Mikey!
Donnie: No, not that kind of gas.

Pisces |
Mikey: I thought we were friends! I introduced you to ALL my toes!?

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