Part 5: Grieving

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Since you have died, Pistalpetaphobia haven't been the same. He's still a jerk though, but he has been different. When someone would mention you or ask about or even when he sees the tree or your place, he stays silent and sort of stares. He didn't tell anyone what happened, but he didn't need to. Chronophobia saw it, without being there, and told the others about the bad part and not the sex part.

After you were killed, Boogey and them left Pistalpetaphobia there with your corpse laying in front of him. After hours of crying and holding your lifeless body, he took you somewhere and made a grave for you. It was someplace that the phobias forgot about before... and later forgot about it again, because you weren't around.

Pistalpetaphobia would go there everyday with your favorite flowers and cry. He was heartbroken. Maybe, nothing would fix his broken heart.

When he reformed, he took the name Sheriff and still visited your grave everyday. But, when he entered a relationship with Daemon, Sheriff stopped visiting and there were no more flowers there on your tomb.

Did he forget? Does he not care anymore? Does it matter anymore? Did he stop loving you?

It was... everyday. Everyday. Everyday........ everyday... why? Why did he care so much about you? Why did he ever help you? Why were you on his mind at all?

Some questions are better left unanswered, because you may not like what you get. Sometimes people lie, so you won't be destroyed by the truth.

As you rested there under stone, Dreamscapers and Phobias were battling and living. Continuing on with there lives. While everything to you was a silent enpty black whole which nothing existed. No feelings, emotions, thoughts, taste, disturbances, nor empathy.

Everyone lived on, not remembering you. Your existence was nothing to them. Everyone forgotten you. And you had nothing towards it.

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