Part 2: New Friends

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You woke up to someone's voice calmly calling for you. The voice was familiar from yesterday. You were just sitting up with blankets all around you as the young man in the suit appears and spots you. He walks to you and spoke, "Boogey wants you now. It doesn't sound good, so be careful."

You were scared of the Boogey Man. You went over there where Boogey was. He turns to you as one of his servants sees you walking over to him. Boogey glares at you and says "Triggeraphobia, (dick phobia from part1) said that you and Pistalpetaphobia are getting too close. I won't tolerate any weakness from both of you. Which means you both will be punished."

You became more scared of him. You were never punished by Boogey before, but you were bullied a lot. On of the servants dragged the four armed cowboy in and threw him to the ground. He glared at them and looked over to Boogey, but saw you there shivering. He notice you were scared. So, he got up and went over to comfort you.

Boogey snapped at him, "Pistalpetaphobia! Don't comfort her! This is why you're both here: because you're showing affection to each other. That isn't allowed."

The man looks at Boogey, scared of him as well. "A-Affection? I was only protectin' this little gal. I wasn't kissin' her or anythin'."

Boogey narrowed his eyes at him and responded, "(same dick phobia) told me what happened between you two yesterday."

The man blushed as he remembered about that. He chuckles as he says, "That? No! No. It wasn't that. We just fell and my face ended up landin' on her breasts. I wasn't goin' to... ye know, right?"

Boogey didn't believe a word he said. The cowboy was nervous about that still. Boogey grabbed on to you and began to tighten his grip around your neck. You couldn't breath. You squirmed and panicked. It hurts.

The man was shocked and scared for you. He began to beg Boogey to not harm you and it was his fault for yesterday. Boogey didn't listen to him. You felt like you were about to die, but Boogey dropped you and you hit the ground hard.

The man rushed over to you and lifted you up so you were sitting up a bit. Boogey was about to punish him too, but one of the phobias went ballistic in the background. So, he had to see what was going on. The man picked you up and rushed back to his place.

When he got there, you were laid down on something soft and comfy. He took a look at you and saw bruising around your neck. He started to worry about that and looked around to see if there was anything that could help, but nothing. So, he got back to you and sat beside you as you fell asleep.

When you woke up, you heard a woman's voice along with a familiar guy's voice. You sat up slowly and looked around, but no one was there in sight. Something suddenly fell off and scared you. Someone mentioned it and the cowboy rushed in and saw you were up. "Oh. Hey there sun shine. How's yer neck?" He said blushing a small bit.

You were confussed. So, you didn't respond. You couldn't remember what happened earlier, because you hit your head on the ground when Boogey dropped you. The man approched you and placed a hand over your forehead. "Ye don't have a fever. So, that's good. Does yer neck still hurt? Does anythin' hurt?"

He waited for you to respond. You took a while till you said something, "W-wh-wha-what h-ha-hap-happ-happen-ened?"

You couldn't remember. He didn't understand and wanted to know what you ment. A woman's voice sounded from behind him, "She can't remember what happened. Idiot."

He turned and looked at her. There stood the guy in the suit and a mermaid. She looked about your age more than either of the guys. All three of them spoke for a while as you just sat there. The two seemed annoyed with the cowboy, but they still talked to him. Why? Do they hate him?

They all turned at you and saw that you were looking down at the ground. The cowboy went over and lifted your head up with two of his hands. He smiled at you saying "Darlin'... it's goin' to be okay."

The guy in the suit went ahead and introduced himself, "Hello. I'm Chronophobia, the fear over the passage of time."

"And I'm Hydrophobia, the fear of water." the mermaid said waving at you.

You shyly waved back at her a small bit. The cowboy rubbed the back of his neck as he finally introduces himself, "Heh... I'm Pistalpetaphobia... which is the fear of cowboys, darlin'"

"Smooth" whispered Hydrophobia to the cowboy. He turns back to glare at her.

Well... you have two new friends now.

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