Perfect sub

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Sebastian's pov

After my phone call with Jason I walked back to Gabriel who had somehow managed to use all his tokens and collect a lot of tickets. Grinning happily he walked up to me with them "look!" He smiled holding them up as he giggled "I have to put them in a machine to get my total." He explained as he started walking towards said machine. I followed in tow a smile spreading across my cheeks. He was so perfect. So humble, he would be my sub for sure.

Gabriel sat on the floor feeding the machine his tickets smiling as it made a munching sound, I sat besides him and smiled "What prize are you going to get darling?" Gabriel looked towards the prize counter seeing a rather large stuffed whale colored baby blue. "I want the big whale." He smiled. Taking the receipt with his ticket amount on it. I grabbed it from him and helped him up once I stood. "Let's go get your whale sweetie." I took his hand leading him to the counter.

He had just enough for his whale and two pieces of candy. "May we get the blue whale and.. what kind of candy would you like?" I asked Gabriel who pointed to the airhead "two blues please." He asked kindly and the lady handed over just that, the whale and two blue airheads. I thanked her and with Gabriel exited the restaurant.

I opened his door for him and closed it once he entered my car. Getting into the driver seat I stuck the key in the ignition and turned, my baby purring to life as Gabriel placed his seatbelt on. "How did you like our first date Gabriel?" Gabriel looked up from his whale and smiled "it was the best, thank you so much Sebastian." His worlds made my chest clench. "Well I'm glad, now let's go back to the club. You're shift is soon." I commented as I began driving. "I'm helping Jessica by serving drinks." He commented as he pet his whale. "That should be fun doll, what are you going to name your whale?"

"Hmmm I think I'll name it, flipper." He replied after a moment of thought, hugging the whale close with a smile. I chuckled and the ride remained quiet for the most part, close to the club he slipped my hand into his own holding softly. I felt the clench in my chest again. What was it? I'd never felt it before. Not with anyone. He made me feel so, alive.

Gabriel's pov

I took Sebastian's hand into my own, I know it's unusual for the sub to make moves but, he seemed a bit shy, I'm sure he actually isn't. But I wanted to hold his hand so badly, so I did. Holding it gently as he finished driving to the club. The whole time my cheeks a light pink.

We pulled up to the club and I waited as he came around opening my door for me and helping me out. He guided me inside with a smile. We walked to his office, "you can leave flipper in here while you work." He told me as he opened the door, to see Jessica and Jason, Jason sat at her feet doing his work as she went through her own, she'd told me a few days ago that she was looking for another bartender to help her so I guess she was doing that.

"Jason." Sebastian said sternly, Jason sat up almost instantly and looked up at him submissively "Yes sir?" "Have you finished choosing our entertainers for the ball?" Sebastian asked as he walked to his seat. Jessica standing up and moving aside as Jason stood. "Yes, I've got everyone and I've already spoken to them and gone over their dances, here's everything." He spoke as he placed the booklet in front of Sebastian who looked at me with a smile. "Gabriel darling where do you want to leave flipper? Do you want him on the couch so he's comfy, or in a chair next to me?" "A chair next to you." I replied shyly as he pulled a seat beside him. Placing flipper down I smiled. Sebastian looked at me for a moment.

"Gabriel, I'm unaware if you feel as I do, but I'd like to make you my submissive." He spoke so calmly, meanwhile my heart was racing. He was serious. He wanted to me my dominant. I nodded happily then paused "I mean, yes sir, I'd love too." I corrected my nodding and Sebastian grinned. "Good boy, now come, pet." He said sternly but so gently.

I moved to sit at his feet but he corrected me to his lap. I sat down carefully as he pulled my close. Motioning for Jason and Jessica to leave the room, to which they obeyed. "I know we've only had one date, but I believe that you would be the perfect sub. And I don't mean this is a purely dom and sub relationship. I'd also like you to be my boyfriend if you would like." I let out an excited squeak as I hugged him tightly as I nodded "yes! I'd love too." I smiled kissing his cheek gently, blushing deeply when I realized what I'd done.

He laughed softly and held me close "you may say no now, but you said you wanted the life style. Not just the sexual. So I ask. Will you come live with me? You'd be fully taken care of, you could sleep in my bed in my room with me or have one of your own. You won't even need to continue working unless you truly want." He sounded so serious, I'd never heard someone speak this way. It made my heart flutter.

"I'd love to move in, but I'd have to tell my parents. I'd want them to meet you, and I'd like to keep working because my checks go towards our home." I explained and he nodded along. "Do you enjoy working here?" He asked. "I do, I really do." I replied with a pause, "but?" He asked with a chuckle, "I want to be a painter. An artist. Not a club entertainer." I answered with a sigh looking at my own lap.

"Then that's what you will be, every month I shall send money to your family. Enough to cover the bills so they use their money on food, you will paint at home and with me if you choose to accompany me to work." He explained while tilting my chin towards him. "You will be anything you want, and not worry about money. As your dom I will fully and completely take care of you."

I could feel the tears filling my eyes as he pulled me close wiping them dry. "Don't cry baby, now. Go get to work, today is your last day and after work I'll go meet your family." He promised and stood me up with a smile, kissing my head. "Run along, your sir has work to do." "Yes sir." I replied with a grin, kissing his cheek before running off to the bar to help Jessica.

Jessica's pov

Gabriel ran over to the bar with the biggest smile in the world, Jason sitting nearby doing his work, what a good boy he was. "Jessica! Guess what!" The younger male chirped. "What sugar?" I replied cleaning a few glasses. "Sebastian asked me to be his sub and move in with him!" He giggled pure happiness radiating off of him.

"I heard him ask you to be his sub darling. But that's great." I chuckled patting his head "now get an apron on and get to work mister." I grinned handing the happy boy his apron as we began to work.

(Jessica at the top!)

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