🌑 The Shadow 🌑

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As we scurry back inside, we frantically look for a spot to tend to his wound.

"Let's lay him down here, on the large furniture!"


"Aye. But be careful with his head."

King Haile:

"My son!" I touch his face.
"I am so sorry."


"Thou art soaked in blood, father. Speak lightly!"

King Haile:

"Thou callest me father? I don't even merit such title."

Gertrude appears.


"I am sorry, Amul. But I couldn't convince my lady Gertrude to stay next door."


"I know. I expected that to happen."

My mother throws herself next to him, staring at the arrow still stuck in his abdomen.


"I will die, Gert'. My blood is turning cold. None of my possessions can save me or grant me a second chance to repair all the hurt that I've dragged upon thee and my children. It's a truth that I am taught too late."


"If thou diest now, my spirit will give up to death as well."


"I expected thee to be angry,
not welcoming me in thine home. Why art thou so kind, my dear?"


"Ask my heart! I do not know. Whatever it did to hate thee, it couldn't. It's like thou hast cast misfortune upon me, my whole life loving thee."


"Th'art even more beautiful than the day I espoused thee. Forgive me, for I had been a coward. I was too afraid of loving thee and as a result, I ended up being a lonely man. I curse my crown for it brought me more pain than happiness."


"My happiness and greatest gift have been the son that thou hast given me, Negus. Behind every stony heart, there's always a hidden weakness. A sorrow that eats the person from inside. That's what happened in thy case."


"I apologize for interrupting your impassioned encounter. But the King needeth to have the arrow removed."


"I'll take care of it! Whereas, I warn ye. It will be horribly painful."


"Do it! It'll be crude, but worth it."

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