So what if I'm sick on the inside?

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"Ok, guys and gals!" I said as I pulled down a chart of our plan, "Our first move will be to take down the ministry," I paused, to look into the eyes of every member, "And yes, I mean to kill them," 

Like I'd predicted, that caused outrage. 

"I can't do that-"


"...are you serious?"

I patiently waited until they went silent, picking at my chipped nails and reminding self to file them when we got back. 

"Now, we're only taking down 49 members of the ministry, not all of them.  This is a list of them," Draco flicked his wand, and the 49 names showed up, with the names of the students next to the ministry names.  

"And if you haven't already figured it out, this is a test. Each one of you will take down one of them. And don't worry, I won't make you kill your own family," I paused, wondering how may abused kids we had, "Unless you want to, of course,"

"So, how many of you want to drop out now?"

Five students raised their hands, and they were sent away after being obliviated. The list shortened to 44 names. 

One first year Slytherin, Theodore Nott, raised his hand. 

"Are you dropping out too, Theodore?" 

"Well. No. I just wanted to ask if I could take out my father, please. He's on the list,"

I nodded, and Draco rearranged the names, so that Theodore's was next to his father's. 

"If that's all, then let's get going. We've already gone over how to use guns. So grab one, and put on one of these masked cloaks. Death eaters wear black. So we are going to wear pink," I explained, pointing to the pile of pink silk in front of me. 

Collective groans echoed through the room of requirement. 

"Why pink?" asked my boyfriend. I grinned, "Cause everyone hates pink,"

I pulled out an empty bird feeder, and made everyone touch it. Moments later, my vision blurred, and I found myself in the empty corridors of the ministry. 

"Rendez-vous here in 15 minutes. Be quick. If any of you miss the first portkey, I'll leave someone here with the next portkey leaving in  25 minutes. Overall, we should be done here in 30 minutes tops. It's one person. Pull the trigger, be done. If they resist, leave. We've trained for a month, I'm sure you'll be able to pull this off. Go gray!" I cheered. 

"Go gray!" They chanted back, before parting to go their own ways. Draco came up to me and pressed his lips against mine, "Be careful, Xasper,"

"You too, Draco,"  

With a final glance, we parted, and I was left on my own as I navigated the hallways, avoiding the few overzealous ministry workers who worked all night. 

As I passed door after door, I felt strangely confident. Like nothing could ever go wrong. It was! I passed the sign that marked the department of writing, so I started paying closer attention to the names on the shiny plaques. J.K. Rowling- the woman I was supposed to take out, should be in this department. 

I skidded to a stop as I found the gleaming wooden door with the name clearly printed on it. I swung the door open, and a surprised woman jumped up at me,  holding her wand backwards. It's a pity I couldnt have faced someone a bit stronger, but she'll do, I thought, as I pulled the trigger. 

Don't you dare forget the moon- Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now