Chapter 1- The Theft

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Sinoh museum :-

"Ladies and gentlemen today is a great day , as for today we are going to show you all, the statue of "THE GREAT DIALGA" which is fully made of 500 carat diamond." ,the curator announced.

"Now lets show you th- ",he was interrupted by his assistant who came running
" Si-Sir ple-ase come with me its important" he said while panting.

"ok relax , lets go", curator said while walking with his assistant.

"see this sir",the assistant handed him a letter.

"what is this"

"Sir it's a message from someone name Dark Hunter."

"Hah!! What a silly name, Dark-Hunter, I mean what does it even mean", curator said in a sarcastic way

He started reading the letter -
"I am wind, no one can see me,
I am sand no one can hold me,
I am The Sun, if you touch me you will burn,
Now its time for you to learn,
To protect your statue from :- (There was a picture of leopard that is shown here)

He started reading the letter -"I am wind, no one can see me,I am sand no one can hold me,I am The Sun, if you touch me you will burn,Now its time for you to learn,To protect your statue from :- (There was a picture of leopard that is shown here)

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Protect it if u can .
Best wishes-
Dark Hunter. "

After reading the letter the curator started laughing like crazy " What the hell is this, looks like a mad poet "who hunts in Dark( he air quoted the word Dark) has written this"

"But sir what if it is true", the assistant said in a worrying tone.

"don't pay attention to these f#@$ing things, these people just want to enjoy you see, I had dealt people like these before " the curator said with confidence.

"But si-"

"No buts, just get back to work, the visitors are getting impatient now."

"Sure thing sir, I appreciate your confidence, and so now I think that really there's no need to worry".

"So Andrew let us go now", James said. (Andrew is the assistant and James is the curator).

As they reached the hall where the statue was to be shown the crowd became impatient to see the statue.

James's POV

"Although I don't want to show it but iam a bit worried about the protection of statue, I mean I don't even know the time when this hunter will "try to" steal this statue".

"Don't worry about the statue sir; I think it is just a prank"
My assistant Andrew tried to convince me.

"I think he is right, I shouldn't worry about that letter now"; I thought.

"Andrew is really nice and trustworthy assistant, I should increase his salary this time", I thought and a smile appeared on my face.

Normal POV

"So everyone now no more waiting"; James said.

He gestured Andrew to get the diamond statue and within a minute Andrew returned with a glass case covered with a white cloth.

"So now ladies and gentlemen here's the statue, you all were waiting for" James said excitedly while revealing the cloth.

"Awwww" , everyone in the crowd was awestruck by the beauty of the statue.

The statue of "THE GREAT DIALGA" was very beautiful and was kept inside an unbreakable glass box which was kept on a table with all kinds of security systems to protect the statue.

"wow its really wonderful, can I touch it", a man dressed in black with a suspicious face asked.

"Sorry sir but u can't touch it", Andrew replied

Everyone was admiring the statue's beauty.

After 30 minutes.....

"Sir if you don't mind, can I go home", Andrew asked James

"Sure you can, but why do you want to go this early"; James asked.

"Sir actually I have to go on a date today"; Andrew said shyly.

"Oh! If that's the matter then you should hurry up otherwise the girl will get angry"; James said sarcastically and started laughing

And after saying goodbye Andrew left.

2 hours later (after the ceremony)....

All the guests were gone so James decided to go home too.

"Hah!! I was right, the message was just a prank, no one stole the statue" James said to himself

But before going home he went to check the statue and as he picked up the statue from its place , it slipped from his hands and broke into pieces. James was shocked at the scene before him.
Now he understood that the statue was fake and was entirely made up of glass.

From inside the statue a photograph of Andrew fell down with the word "MISSED ME?" written on it.

"Traitor!!!!, You cheater Andrew"; James spat in anger and went to call the police.


(Place: - Somewhere in Sinoh)

Person 1:- Hey bro so you got it.

Person 2:- Yeah I easily stole it and put the fake statue there, thanks to Andrew.

Andrew :- hey! Can't you say my real name?

Person 2:- Oh I'm sorry, DREW.

Drew: - Its ok Ash.

Ash:- Gary, I stole this ancient sword too , do you want it?

"Thanks"; Gary said by taking the sword from Ash.

"Ash? Cant you be serious in this mission, I told you to steal the statue and the sword only, didn't I" ; Drew said angrily air quoting the word only .

"Yeah! You did say so... I stole those two on--ly"; Ash was interrupted as Drew pulled out James's wallet from Ash's pocket.

" Hm......that's my work steal things you see" Ash said and all except Ash started laughing.


(At Sinoh police headquarters)-

"The theft in the museum was done very cleverly and so I am appointing my 6 most loyal and talented police officers-"Jerry the head of police department said.

"Paul, Dawn, Barry, May, Kenny and Leaf" I appoint you all to arrest the thieves.

"I have dealt to more complex cases, so I can easily solve this one"; Paul said calmly

"Ok then all the best to all of you" Jerry said.

"Thanks sir" everyone said in unison and went to investigate.

But Little did they know that the thiefs were really oversmart and the cops are putting their life in danger by trying to catch them.

That's all folks ! this was the end of chapter 1.
I am sorry for this bad chapter; this chapter was just the base for other chapters.
Next chapter maybe on 9th of November.

Bye everyone 😉😃


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