"Helllllloooo??? Yukiii??? Anyone home????" the twins drawled as they waved their hands over my eyes.

"Eh? What is it?" I asked as my mind slowly drifted back to the present.

"The plan is already in action! Tono and Haruhi are already doing their part in the master plan!" they chorused.

"Oh... I didn't notice... I think I'll just need some air. It's kinda stuffy in here." I excused myself as I calmly walked outside to where the countless Sakura trees were in bloom.

The moon was shining its light on the slightly dewy green grass. The wind began to blow softly into the trees causing some of the pink petals to fall down like snow.

I need some more air. That's all I need right now. Just the ability to breath calmly. I decided to take off my heels and climb onto a branch of a Sakura tree and watch as the ball continued and the girls danced their hearts out. Wow. They're all really good.

Then I spotted a small blur of blue rush past in one of the hallways. Hey... She looks familiar... Oh yeah she's one of our customers!

"Hanako!" A voice shouted out as a black blob followed the girl.

So that's her name. Hanako.

She ran, with tear filled eyes towards the Sakura tree area where there was a small clearing.

As she was running in heels the boy eventually caught up with her and grabbed her arm, stopping her from running any further.

"Hanako..." he muttered her name softly as he placed his hand on her cheek.

"I love you." he confessed. Her eyes started tearing up again as she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Arata!!!" she sobbed as she threw her arms over him and cried on his shoulder as he comforted her.

Lucky girl. She got her happy ever after.

After she had calmed down, he extended his hand as bowed, silently asking her to dance. She smiled as she curtsied and held his hand and placed her left hand lightly on his shoulder.

As a new song began they began to dance. They moved in perfect harmony and danced happily. I guess fairy tales do happen in real life.


Then a loud booming voice erupted from the sound system.

"And the most beautiful dancing hime of the night is... Hanako-hime!!!"

Everyone began to gather outside as the host club stood on a small balcony overlooking the clearing. I stared at the club looking to see if anyone had missed me.

They look absolutely fine to me. They don't even mind that I'm not there.

"And the giver of the kiss has been changed to... Fujoka Haruhi!!!" the voice announced once more. I nearly fell out of the tree in shock. Wow am I glad I'm not in her shoes.

As Haruhi walked towards Hanako, Tamaki 'attempted' to stop her but slipped on a random banana peel and pushed Haruhi into Hanako so that they ended up kissing. On the lips.



The scene changed completely after that. The twins were laughing their heads off and Tamaki was crying anime tears.

Well... At least it will be a memorable dance for Haruhi.

Kaoru's POV

I haven't seen Yuki since she 'went outside for some air'. I saw that she was sad when she saw Tamaki state at Haruhi. She nearly cried. But she stopped herself just before a tear could escape her eye.

To be a Princess - an OHSHC Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें