Start from the beginning

"I got a warrant to search the premises" Keller practically spat "be my guest, I got nothing to hide" FP said angrily. Keller and the other members of the police barged inside FP's trailer, the saying 'tear this place apart' is something I never took seriously, but what they did was disgusting. They tore everything apart, they took everything out of his cupboards and wardrobe, throwing everything onto the floor. I moved with FP and sat down at his little table and chairs, FP sat there smugly, he knew they weren't going to find anything. I couldn't help but smirk a little myself.

Keller approached us holding a metal box, he opened the lid in front of FP. My hand cupped my mouth at the weapon inside, I looked to FP "want to explain what this is?" Keller asked. FP frowned eyeing the gun inside the lockbox, his eyes flickered to me. I just stood their shocked, he reached for me but I was already out the door. I don't want to see them slap those cuffs on him, I've already seen that to much from him.

Anna's P.O.V

I softly rubbed my arms, what Marcus did earlier it hurt but I may have overreacted with the whole Cheryl thing. It wasn't completely her fault that Chuck spilled the beans, and I shouldn't blame her for it. Jughead hadn't stopped fretting about me despite how many times I said I was fine, my arms are just lightly bruised I'm fine. But I need to find Marcus, talk things over with him, but I knew he was gone. I saw him leave when I told him to go. Archie and Veronica had finished singing kids in America that I couldn't be bothered listening to, I'm just trying to find mom. She's gone M.I.A once again. I walked out into the corridor seeing Betty angrily looking at Veronica and Archie "what did you do" she said sternly, "Guys, what are you doing out here?" I called. They spun around their eyes wide "I-um" she trailed off. "What are you guys doing?" I asked my brows furrowing. They all looked to each other before Betty stepped forward "before you get mad, let me explain" she started. Then she explained everything, that they searched through FP's trailer in search for something connecting him to Veronica's dad supporting the theory that FP killed Jason Blossom because Veronica's dad paid him to do it. They found nothing.

At the end I was merely shaking my head at all of them "so you went behind not only my back but Jughead's, I told you about the dinner and you took that as a window of opportunity to search his trailer" I snapped "I'm sorry Anna, but you know FP had some kind of arrangement with my dad" Veronica said "I highly doubt it would be about killing a teenager of family pride" I replied my tone harsh. "We had to make sure it wasn't about Jason Blossom" Archie said, my eyes snapped to him "and what's your excuse?" I said.

"I was looking out for Jughead, in case FP was doing shady stuff"

"To protect him" I scoffed "blame me Anna, I asked Archie and Betty to help" Veronica said. "That doesn't change the fact that you searched his trailer!" I whispered shouted, "guys, Anna. What's going on?" My heart dropped at his voice. I heard Jughead's footsteps creep closer to us until he was right behind me "why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?" He asked. I gave him a soft look before turning back to them "do you want to tell him or should I?" I said.

"Tell me what?" Jughead asked his eyes wide and worried, Archie, Betty and Veronica side stepped around me and faced Jughead. I slowly turned around as Archie started speaking "we went to your dad's trailer to-" Archie stopped seeing the look Jughead was giving him, but Veronica continued for him "to search it, Jughead"

"Why would you guys do that?"

"My mom put them up to it" Betty said giving Jughead an apologetic look "she was convinced he was hiding something about Jason" Betty continued, "we were wrong" Veronica said quietly "all of us" Archie said.

"We didn't find anything" Veronica said "and Jug, we were only doing it to prove that-"

"That my dad wasn't a murderer" Jughead snapped at Archie cutting him off "you went behind my back Archie" I could see something click behind the sadness in his eyes "how did you-when did you guys know to go to my dads trailer?" He asked. "we knew he'd be at dinner with..." Veronica trailed off her eyes looking to mine.

Jughead caught my eye, his connected to mine in a hurt expression. He let out a sigh before turning around "no" I said quietly glaring at Veronica, I pushed passed them and stood in front of Jughead "that's why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these three could break into his trailer" Jughead said slowly pointing a finger at them. "No, I didn't know what they were doing" I replied, he merely shook his head at me. He doesn't believe me "to think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you".

My eyes widened at his words, he's moving to Toledo. No, oh god no. I could feel the tears rim my eyelids my nose turning red. He was going to give up his family for me, the one things he wants back together he's willing to give that up.

"What?" I whispered my body gone rigid "when we went to my dads trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?" He seethed, I nodded my hands reaching out to him cupping his cheeks gently "it was, it was good enough. I didn't know I swear" I whimpered trying not to sob. His eyes didn't soften for a second, he reached up and pulled my hands away from him and then he let go of me taking a step back. "You all lied to me" he said quietly, I shook my head about to speak but Kevin and our parents ran down the hall looking for us. "You all have to listen" Mrs Lodge said "my dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad Jughead" Kevin said. "What about my dad?" Jughead asked, "he was just arrested" started Mr Andrews "for the murder of Jason Blossom".

It was if everything slowed down, my first thought was how and why? My first action was looking to Jughead who was just-maybe even more shocked than we were. Hurt ran across his face, he didn't even look at me, or at anyone else before he sprinted out of the school. We ran and called after him, but Jughead had already burst through the doors and ran down the street.

I ran a hand over my face letting out a shuddered sigh, FP killed Jason? I don't believe it for a second.


I sat on the edge of my bed, my nails scraping each other my eyes glued on the poster that sat above my desk. The same poster Jughead had given me on our first date, Pulp Fiction. My phone sat beside me, I had called Jughead non-stop and each time he hadn't answered. I didn't want to believe that FP killed Jason, he told Jughead not only to his face but to mine. None of it made sense, he had no connections to the Blossoms except for the fact they lived in the same town. It didn't make sense, none of it did.

Betty, Veronica and Archie had all tried calling me but I didn't need to hear their apologies, Jughead is our main priority right now. I diverted my eyes from the poster and took my keys and made my way downstairs my dress flowing behind me. I stepped outside and got into my car then made my way to pops. Stepping into pops I took a quick scan looking for Jughead but the familiar face was nowhere in sight. I stepped over to pops and asked "Pop, Jughead hasn't been by has he?".

"Nope-" he diverted his eyes to behind me "but you're not the only one looking for him" my brows frowned as I looked behind me. My once soft eyes turned into dark slits at Veronica, Betty and Archie, Betty looked just as sad as I was. "Anna, thank goodness" Veronica said as they walked towards me "we were gonna call you" Archie said. I sent dark glares at both of them "I'm not talking to you, either of you. Ever again" I said bitterly, "it's about Jughead" Betty said holding her hands out to me. "Kevin called me, and he said his dad found a gun, the gun that killed Jason in a lockbox in FP's closet" Veronica explained "but Anna we searched FP's trailer-" Archie said before Veronica finished it off for him "we looked through that closet" Veronica said.

"And there was no lockbox, someone put it there after we left" Archie continued.

Betty gave me a sad look before saying "he's being framed".

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