"Are you alright?" You look up to see a pair of hazel eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I wasn't looking." You apologize. You stood up and straighten out your uniform.

He doesn't respond for a second, "It's alright." The books you were holding are scattered on the floor.

He spoke, "here let me help you."

You both pick up the books and after doing so, he gave you the other ones, "thank you." You smile.

He gave you a cute smile. Hey, he's good-looking too. Why are there so many handsome guys in this school?

"I'm Zayn." He suddenly introduced, offering you a handshake, "and you are??"

You pause then answered, "(Y/N)." You accepted his handshake.

"Zayn?" A voice broke the silence, you both turn around and your eyes met with a very familiar ocean ones.

"Hey," he look at you directly, "I know you."

What, he knows you?

You swear your heart can't chill to this moment.  He always makes you feel this way.

"You know her?" You forgot Zayn's existence for a second there.

"Yeah, you're the one who faint from being hit by the soccer ball." He said in amusement, still looking at you.

You cheeks flushed. He even remembered that.

"What's your name again?" He questions.

"I-I'm (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm Louis." Of course you knew him already. But you can't hide your happiness. At last, he finally knows your name.

Off to a great start, my friend.

Before you forgot, "Uhh Louis. I think these are yours," you definitely know it's his but you just said it so he won't get suspicious, "Ms. Harrison wanted me to give it to you."

"Oh," he reach out for the books, "Thank you, (Y/N)." Your name just sounds so smooth, coming out from his mouth.

"W-welcome," you're really trying to control your emotions. "I'll get going now." You told them both but you're talking specifically to Louis.

"Okay, see you again (Y/N)." Zayn said. You nod and turned to walk away, happily swaying your hands side by side.

14th of February...

It's Valentine's Day. As soon as you stepped in the school gates, as very much expected, you saw chocolates, bears, flowers, red and heart-shaped things everywhere.

"Happy Valentine's Day bitches!" Bret popped out of nowhere, making you jolt.

"Bret! So loud!" Jade complained.

"Sorry, but hey I got something for you two." He gave you and Jade a rose.

You awed at his gesture, "Thanks for remembering us Bretty."

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