week five;day one

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.sophialillis opened the chat.

sophialillis: hey gang

chosenjacobs: oh so we are a gang now?

jackgrazer: hell yeah

jackgrazer: a gang of losers

chosenjacobs: so you guys are the losers?

finnwolfhard: basically

chosenjacobs: that's kinda funny because i auditioned for that new it movie

chosenjacobs: as mike hanlon, one of the actual losers

sophialillis: are you shitting me

chosenjacobs: i hope not

sophialillis: chosen we all tried out for that

chosenjacobs: where are the others?

sophialillis: lol idk but

sophialillis: i tried for bev, jaeden to bill, finn and jack to richie and eddie, and wyatt to stan

chosenjacobs: whoa

chosenjacobs: were you looking to add it people that tried out

sophialillis: we had no way of knowing

jaedenlieberher: hiya

wyattoleff: helloooo

jackgrazer: what a coincidence you two show up at the same time

jaedenlieberher: yes. a coincidence.


wyattoleff: yes?

jaedenlieberher: OH WOWIE WHAT

chosenjacobs: i auditioned for mike hanlon

wyattoleff: are you shitting me

sophialillis: that's what i said!!

jaedenlieberher: whoa that's so dope

wyattoleff: so we are like six sevenths of the lucky seven

sophialillis: i swear to fuck if we somehow manage to accidentally pick a ben-

jackgrazer: if we somehow manage to all get the parts will be amazing

chosenjacobs: i heard that callbacks should start by this thursday

jackgrazer: i'm so excited

jackgrazer: where's bubby

finnwolfhard: right here jack

chosenjacobs: bubby

sophialillis: oh yeah i forgot to mention

sophialillis: jack and finn are dating

sophialillis: and wyatt and jaeden are too

jaedenlieberher: no we are not

wyattoleff: less than two weeks

jaedenlieberher: hshs shut up 

wyattoleff: <3

chosenjacobs: oh wow

chosenjacobs: don't get me wrong i'm all about that just

chosenjacobs: that was cute

wyattoleff: not cute, manly

jaedenlieberher: omfg not again

chosenjacobs: sophia are you straight?

sophialillis: uhhh

sophialillis: no i think?

finnwolfhard: WHAT

jackgrazer: WAIT WHAT

jaedenlieberher: wHAT?!?!??

sophialillis: oh wow

finnwolfhard: sophia you've always been proud of your gay!!!

sophialillis: i am!! i just don't know if i am...like gay and stuff

jaedenlieberher: why didn't you talk to me you goon

sophialillis: iM sORrY

sophialillis: i just need thinking time

chosenjacobs: on a side note does anyone have a screwdriver

finnwolfhard: what the fuck

.sophialillis closed the chat.

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