week one;day seven

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.finnwolfhard opened the chat.

finnwolfhard: today's the day buckaroo

jackgrazer: we must welcome sophia into the group

finnwolfhard: woah woah woah slow down partner

jackgrazer: why are we southern all of a sudden

jackgrazer: we are both far from the south

finnwolfhard: note: not a southern state

jackgrazer: dammit

finnwolfhard: also we can just add her before we finish our conversation

finnwolfhard: so we are like 'lol love you' and then we add her and we have to be like 'welcome to this shit'

jackgrazer: i'm sure she will fully understand

finnwolfhard: if we are feeling lazy we can just tell her to read up

jackgrazer: that's rude

finnwolfhard: hm

jackgrazer: ...

jackgrazer: i'm feeling lazy

finnwolfhard: yeah same

jackgrazer: so now we've got that settled

jackgrazer: how was your lovely saturday my friend

finnwolfhard: normal

finnwolfhard: except i went to the park

jackgrazer: ohwow physical activity

finnwolfhard: shush

finnwolfhard: anyway

finnwolfhard: this guy kept hanging around me

jackgrazer: oh

finnwolfhard:  i mean like i know him

jackgrazer: oh?

finnwolfhard: and he's cute as hell

jackgrazer: ...

finnwolfhard: and so i guess i'm not complaining

jackgrazer: cool

finnwolfhard: are you jealous

jackgrazer: WHAT

jackgrazer: MY GOD

jackgrazer: NO


finnwolfhard: you sure about that?

jackgrazer: uh...YES

finnwolfhard: whatever you say babe

jackgrazer: i will yell at you

finnwolfhard: i'd love to see you try

jackgrazer: no

jackgrazer: you can't tell me what to do

jackgrazer: sucker

finnwolfhard: i'm sorry

finnwolfhard: why are you repeating your name?

jackgrazer: what

jackgrazer: OH MY GOD

jackgrazer: you annoy me

finnwolfhard: and you amuse me

jackgrazer: sigh

finnwolfhard: i'm going to miss this

jackgrazer: same

jackgrazer: i mean like

jackgrazer: not really

jackgrazer: i don't care anyway

finnwolfhard: mhm

finnwolfhard: are you ready to add sophia?

jackgrazer: more ready than i'll ever be

finnwolfhard: okay

finnwolfhard: i love you jack

jackgrazer: sigh

jackgrazer: i love you too finn

.finnwolfhard added sophialillis to the chat.

finnwolfhard: dearest sophia, you've been selected to join our prestigious groupchat

sophialillis: what

jackgrazer: each week we add someone new, and this week that's you

sophialillis: so we are like some sort of gang or something

jackgrazer: no

finnwolfhard: basically

sophialillis: dope i'm in

sophialillis: is it just you two?

jackgrazer: so far

sophialillis: ooo this is gonna be fun

finnwolfhard: indeed

jackgrazer: welcome sophia :)

jackgrazer: bye guys! 

sophialillis: bye kiddos

finnwolfhard: see you soph

finnwolfhard: love you jackie

jackgrazer: love you too finn


jackgrazer: actually i'm not

finnwolfhard: YEAH

sophialillis: this shit is gonna be good

.sophialillis has closed the chat.

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