Prologue Part 1

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You wonder what exactly is out there in the vast cosmos many light years from here. You may have heard stories, many myths about heroes from different races, their valor their legends. But some stories were never told. So lost in the passage of time that they are simply forgotten. These stories may not necessarily be great or important but they too leave behind a part of history that belonged to our ancestors they too have their own message in them.

When the cosmos was first made, the gods created angels to make sure they keep the balance and harmony. Then came the demons formed from the angels who had fallen or had not done their duty as it was their punishment. Then gods created the world and the various celestial bodies around it. He gave it light, He gave it air and He gave it land and so life flourished.

Many races came into being dragons, gnomes, dwarfs, elves, beast-man and humans. The angels who were gods favorites were made the supervisors. All the races lived in peace and harmony. They worshiped their own gods and paid many tributes to them. It went on for many years. Then, the war came and the angels and demons fought. But the angels were defeated. They had been corrupted by the time the war arrived and had been weakened. So the rule of angels were over and they left. This was the first war among two races.

The rule of demons was chaotic with wars among the different races. Who either remained neutral or on the demon's side. Many years passed by and one day the angels came back. The defeated the demons whose forces had scattered in the many years that had passed. They fled and the angels began to rule again, however it did not last long as all the races had become ambitious and wanted to rule the world now. A war was fought and the elves won. The second war ended.

Wars were fought again and again it went on for centuries. The monarch was shifted from elves to beast-man, from beast-man to gnomes, from gnomes to dwarfs, from dwarfs to dragon and finally to humans. When humans began to rule another war brewing was in the horizon. It was then that a hero was born. He was an orphan all alone but was able to unit the races again. The world was then divided into different parts which was given to the different races. Each territory had their own rules to follow. And so the war finally came to end and peace was regained.

However the story I am going to tell you is not this but a story that has passed down from ages from the first war till now. A story about a boy that later became a legend. A story of a celestial.


AN: so I wanted to try my writing skills. If you have anything to add or want to tell me please do not hesitate. I am not yet sure about the rest of the story, but I guess I have a general outline in my head. Thank you for reading.

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