Chapter Eight

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Kathy Barr told Kevin that Eddward stopped by looking for him but Kevin just gave her an okay and rushed to his room. He didn't want her seeing him like this. While walking back home he tried to think of a way to help the two but ultimately got nothing but to comply with Grant. This would ruin his friendships and relationship but if it helped them then he would take it, no matter the consequences.

The next day, Kevin skipped school by successfully giving his mom a fake story about him falling on the way home. He hadn't wanted to lie to her but he had no other options. It would only make everything worst than it already is.
"Why did you cut through the park at night to begin with?!"
"Because it was night time! I wanted to hurry up and get back. Ow!" Kathy finished cleaning the cut on his lip and sighed.
"I could have came to get you, sweetheart."
Kevin didn't reply and instead helped packed the first aid kit. While putting it away the doorbell rang and Kevin's mother said she'd answer. Kevin just went to his room to lie down. His body still hurt everywhere, almost to the point where he could barely move. He layed on his bed and put his headphones on before hiding his face under his pillow, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. He'd made a quick call to an old friend of his and came up with a plan to break up Nazz and Eddy.

Kathy opened the door and saw Eddward and smiled.
"Eddward, Honey, come on in," she said moving aside so he could walk in.
"Is Kevin home?"
"Kevin's in his room. He has an accident last night walking home and got hurt badly." Eddward narrowed his eyes at her words and she chuckled as well.
"Yeah, I didn't believe that story either but there is nothing I can do unless he out right tells me that he was bullied."
"I'm going to go see him," Edd said then made the trip up to Kevin's room. When he got there and saw the boy was shirtless, he gained a full view of the damage done. Bruises covered his sides, chest and arms. The sweat pants he'd had on cover his legs but he'd bet that Kevin was hit there as well.
Eddward walked over to Kevin's bed and pulled the pillow away. Kevin opened his eyes to see the last person he didn't needed to see.
"Why didn't you come to me," he asked coldly as he saw Kevin's hurt face.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"You expect me to not look for you after disappearing yesterday?"
"Thats not- I didn't..."
"Why didn't you come to me?"
"I can't tell you that. Just leave, please!"
"I refuse."
Edd stood and removed his shirt.
"Double D you don't have to-"
"Be quiet." Edd crawled next to Kevin and careful slid him into his side.
"Why do you have to be so difficult," Kevin said but hissed when he made a sudden move, hurting himself.
"Get some rest. I'll wake you up and noon."
"What about your attendance records."
"They don't matter. You do."
Kevin sighed and closed his eyes. Too tired to argue with him further.

Kevin woke up and heard someone whispering but yelling simultaneously.
"I don't care. Tell them that I'm staying here in Peach Creek." Eddward paused and listened to what the other person was saying but it only seemed to anger him further.
"It's none of their- look just tell them I'm not moving. That's all." With that Edd hung up the phone and sighed in frustration.
"Who was that," Kevin asked sitting up. Double D looked at him and Kevin noticed his face had softened dramatically, as if he weren't angry seconds ago.
"My father's assistant. I told her to tell my parents that I'll be staying here."
Kevin rubbed his eye then looked at his Double Jerk with concern.
"Edd, if this is about what happened at the school then-"
"Kevin, be quite." Edd walked over to Kevin and carefully pulled him into a hug.
"I'm staying because I want to be with you. I do want to protect you, yes, but for the most part I want to remain with you here."
Butterflies swarmed in Kevins belly and he curled into Eddward. The raven haired boy lnew exactly what to say to him.
"Edd, I'm sorry. No matter what I do I always seem to make everything worse for you."
"No, first I got angry at you when you told me that we couldn't be anything more than fuck buddies... then I... I accused you of using me for sex as a distraction. Now I've probably ruined whatever this is we have along with my friendship with Nazz."
"What are you talking about?" Kevin's phone dinged and they both looked at it. Kevin reached out for it but Eddward seized it and unlocked the screen. Kevin tried to shy away but Eddward wouldn't let him.

It's done, I hope you're proud of yourself.
Above the message was a picture of a guy he'd never seen before and Eddy kissing. If he didn't know his best friend it would look like Eddy wasn't stuggling to get away.
"Good Lord, Kevin! What did you do?"
"I protected you guys for once." Kevin didn't look at Eddward. He couldn't!
Edd put Kevin on his bed and stood up.
"What the hell is going on Kevin Barr." Kevin didn't reply. He, instead looked away with a dark look in his eyes.
"Kevin, answer me this instant!"
"Grant said he'd ruin you and Nazz if I didn't do this! His dad is best friends with a lot of people that could mess up any chance of a scholarship you have! He also threatened to drag Nazz into it! I don't want you guy's futures to be ruined like that!"
Eddward saw the tears flowing from Kevin's eyes and knew that the boy hadn't realized he had been crying.
"As long as you both are fine then I don't care if you hate me." The door opened and Kathy gave him a very nasty glare.
"Kevin Barr, what the hell were you thinking, huh? Why not just tell them instead of pulling this stunt?"
"Mom, please-"
"No Kevin! You've possibly ruined two lives with this! I know I had no right to listen but you refuse to come and talk to me! You come home beat up from head to toe and I find out that it's because of some punk bullying you!"
"I had no choi-"
"Bullshit, Kevin!" Kathy looked over to Eddward and then back to Kevin.
"Eddward, call both Nazz and the other boy over, right now. Kevin is going to fix his mess." Kevin's eyes widened and he tried to get up but pain in his leg stopped him.
"No, don't! Grant will-"
"Grant? Grant Cleaves?"
"That's him," Eddward confirmed before Eddy picked up his phone.
"I know his parents well. I'll be having a chat with them."
"Mom, you can't! He'll-"
"He won't do anything. Not if I can help it." Kevin pleaded to his mother with his eyes. He knew he'd have to retell everything that happened.

Nazz and Eddy both glared at Kevin, who sat nervously in his chair, and Nat stared at him almost apathetically. Eddward sat next to Kevin and Kathy had been making everyone something to eat. Nazz broke the silence with a sigh and her features softened a bit, but not by much.
"Kevin, why won't you ever ask for help? Are you that stubborn and selfish?"
"How was I being selfish? I told you what he'd do to you both and I didn't want that to happen!"
"It's selfish because you didn't bring it to our attention. Instead you decided to decided do what he says and not only ruin our barely budding relationship, but also ruining our friendship! That, Kevin Barr, is selfish and unforgivable." Kevin snapped, his anger had taken over completely.
"No, It's not selfish at all! Nazz, you told Eddward to make sure I didn't come to school right? Was that not selfishness? The guy slapped you because you were helping me, was that not selfishness either? Why am I being painted as the bad guy for not wanting anyone of you to get hurt again all because he's picking on me?"

Nate looked to Nazz. Kevin did have a point, no matter how much his decision pissed Nate off Kevin's point was pretty clear. All of them would have probably done something related or the exact same thing as Kevin had done, without question.
Double D sighed and pulled out his phone for the thousandth time since everyone came over. He looked at the screen, rolled his eyes, then put his phone away again. Kevin noticed everytime and would ask about it later.
"Look Kevin," Nate spoke softly, "we get it, we really do, but we've all been best friends for a very long time now. You can rely on us to help you with anything!" Kevin looked down, knowing that Nate was right.
"Okay, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am," He said lowly. Nazz's angry facade crumbled and she rushed over to hug Kevin.
"I can never stay angry at you, can I?"
Kevin chuckled and pulled away from Nazz.
"Same for me."
"Now that you two have made up already, what are we doing about Grant," Nate asked.
"Me and Sockhead have it covered already." Everyone turned to the two Eds in confusion.
"Already have it covered? What do you mean," Kevin asked.
Both Eds looked at one another with a knowing smirk.

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