Chapter Six

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Eddward kissed Kevin as he laid the boy in his bed. Kevin had snuck out of the house and went over to Eddward's once he'd been sure his parents were sleeping. Once at Eddward's he wasted no time kissing him, even as Eddward questioned why he wasn't home. After a while, Double D gave in and allowed Kevin to stay.
"Pumpkin, it's time for bed."
"But it's only," Kevin looked at the clock on the nightstand to read the time, "It's only nine!"
"We have school tomorrow."
"And? Let's just stay up for another hour, Double D," Kevin whined but Eddward chuckled and kissed him softly.
"Good night Pumpkin," Kevin grumbled and turned away from Eddward but as soon as he closed his eyes, sleep took over him.

Eddward sipped his coffee and finished looking over Kevin's homework. He had been so focused that he didn't notice Kevin entered the kitchen until the clingy boy straddled him and hugged him tight.
"You never stay in bed with me, you double jerk." Edd chuckled at his sleepy voice before kissing his forehead.
"You'll be pleased to know that your essay had no grammatical errors but your chemistry homework won't be receiving a great grade." Kevin groaned then bit down on Eddward's exposed chest gently.
"Stop talking about homework and love me." Eddward chuckled once more and wrapped his arms around Kevin.
"Fine, you win."
"Thank you."
The two ate breakfast together in comfortable silence. When finished, Eddward immediately washed the dishes they'd used and wiped the tables.
"Jeez, you're such a neat freak."
"And don't you forget it."
Kevin chuckled then made his way to the living room.
"Kevin, we need to get ready for school," Eddward called out from the kitchen.
"Why don't we just skip today?"
"What makes you think I'd skip school?" Kevin only smirked before removing all of his cloths and putting a tie he'd found on Edd's dresser around his neck.
"Pumpkin? Where'd you go-" Eddward saw Kevin in his living room displayed on the couch in the nude and felt his member grow hard in seconds.
"Kevin, what is this."
"I don't want to go to school today. I want to be with you."
"M-my attendance records...."
"Please, Double D?"
Kevin's pout made Edd groan before he pounced on Kevin.
"I swear you will be the death of me," Eddward said as he kissed Kevin's body. Kevin could only whimper and moan beneath him. He tried to find his lovers d!ck but was met with cloths blocking his wandering hands.
"Take off your cloths," Kevin commanded.
"I don't think I like you commanding me, Pumpkin." In a flash, Kevin was on Edd's lap.
"W-what are you- hnn!" Edd smacked Kevin's ass hard then rubbed it.
"Your too spoiled, Pumpkin. I think you need to be punished."
"W-wait a min- ngh!"
"That is for all of your teasings."
"That is for making me crave your body, every time you so much as breathe."
"This is just for the heck of it." After a few more smacks, Kevin came with a cry and lay there. Edd wouldn't let him rest, however. Instead, he shoved three fingers inside of Kevin and smirked when the boy moaned.
"E-Eddward p-p-please!"
"Begging won't make me stop, Kevin." He added one more finger inside of the boy then grabbed his member and pumped it. Kevin could only moan in agonizing pleasure.
Without warning, Eddward stopped. He pulled out his fingers and removed his v-neck shirt. When he removed his pants, Kevin wasted no time taking his member inside of his mouth. Edd groaned and tried to pull him away. He only wanted to pleasure Kevin but the boy was persistent.
"Kevin, stop this!"
"No," he said while still sucking Eddward, creating more pleasure. Pretty soon, Edd came and slumped into the couch. This time, Kevin swallowed all of the cum then he sat on Edd's lap.
"Edd, let's do it!"

Nazz looked around for Kevin but didn't see him anywhere and grew worried. The whole school knew that he'd pissed of Grant and that he wanted Kevin's head.
She texted him asking his where-a-bouts but got no reply.
"Did you find him," Nat asked.
"No, and he won't text me back."
"He always texts back." This only worried Nazz even more. When she saw Eddy across the hall she went over to him and tapped his shoulder.
Eddy turned to see his blonde beauty with a worried expression.
"Everything okay?"
"Have you seen Kevin?"
"He's with Sockhead. They spent the night together." Relief swept through Nazz and she let out a breath she'd been holding.
"Did you find out anything," Nat asked.
"He's with Double D. Text him and tell him to stay there."
"Got it." Nazz turned back to Eddy and hugged him.
"Thanks, Eddy."
"Uh... whats going on?"
"Text Eddward and tell him not to bring Kevin to school today. Grant is on the war path."
"Grant? That dumb jock?" Eddy pulled out his phone and shot the message quickly as Nazz spoke.
"Dumb as he may be, he will still murder Kevin for standing up to him yesterday."
"Just the bimbo I wanted to see." Nazz was grabbed by the arm and was turned to face Grant.
"Now where is that orange haired bitch."
Nazz spits in Grant's face and was layed out on the floor before she could even blink. He cheek was searing in pain from the slap he gave her.
"Dumb bitch!"
Eddy, without warning, pulled a knife on Grant, stopping his pursuit of Nazz.
"Lay another finger on her, I swear you will lose it in seconds." Everyone in the halls looked on at the ordeal in shock and horror.
Eddy couldn't look at her right then. He wanted to make sure she wasn't hurt badly but he also didn't want her to see into his eyes, his brother's eyes.
"Looks like the shorty grew balls people," Grant said lowly but loud enough for anyone close by to hear.
"You have one chance to walk away, Grant." Grant held up his hands in mock surrender but attacked when Eddy 'lowered his guard'. One second he was trying to punch Eddy, the next he was on the ground with a bloody nose and a knife to his neck.
"I warned you."
"Eddy, stop!"
Eddy turned slightly towards Nazz but not fully.
"Eddy, come on. Lets go before a teacher comes." Nazz felt pain talking but didn't want Eddy to become even more angry than he already was. She placed a shaky hand over his and felt it relax.
"Come on. He's not worth anything." Eddy stood and Grant slides back, away from the monster before him.
Eddy then grabbed Nazz's hand and dragged her down the halls.
"Eddy." He ignored her and kept walking.
"Eddy, where did that knife come from?"
Nazz was greeted with more silence. When they got to the nurse's office, it had been empty.
"You're bleeding, I know your mouth has to be killing you also." He was right, that right side of her face was hurting but she still wanted answers.
"I'll be fine. I just need to know-"
"Nazz, just leave it. Please don't ask again."
The look Eddy held on his features made Nazz cave in and agree. After he gave her the first aid kit he sat in the nurse's chair.
"I would do it for you but sockhead usually does that stuff."
"Its fine, are you okay?"
"You just got the brain cells knocked out of you then asked if I were fine?"
Nazz narrowed her eyes at him but said nothing. They sat in silence for a moment as Nazz treated her face. When she was finished she turned to Eddy who was staring at the knife.
"Eddy, you might want to hide that away somewhere."
"No one will tell. If Grant squeals then I can stash it away somewhere."
"Eddy, you can talk to me you know. I won't tell anyone."
"Yeah, I know." Eddy stood and took her hand in his. "Come on, we've already missed most of class."

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