Chapter Five

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The teacher droned on and on about linear equations but Kevin tuned in out, never being able to understand it anyways. He'd felt Eddward's eyes on him since they day started but found ways to avoid and ignore him.
A note was slide onto his desk, inconspicuously, from Nazz. He looked at her and she smiled sadly for some reason. When he opened the note, he saw it had been Eddward's handwriting. With a glare her balled the paper up, without reading it and sent it back to Nazz, glaring at her for helping him.
"Mr. Barr, is that a note you're passing in my class," the teacher asked.
"No ma'am. Someone threw it and I gave it to Nazz to throw away since the trash can is so close to her." The teacher narrowed his eyes a bit and sae Nazz threw away the paper, following along with his, surprisingly smooth, lie.
"Very well, just don't let it be constant." And with that, she continued teaching. Kevin sighed then began to do his grammar homework, ignoring Nazz in the process.

"Come on, Kevin. You can't stay mad at Nazz for that," Nat said as he followed Kevin to his locker.
"I'm not mad at her."
"Then why are you ignoring her?"
"Because I'm mad but there is a difference."
"Where the hell is the difference?"
"I'm mad in general. It's not specifically being directed at her."
"You aren't making sense here, Kev."
"Don't worry about it," Kevin groaned out before leaving Nat in the halls.
Lunch had been spent in the court yard for Kevin. He wanted to be alone and away from eveyone.
Once he finished his lunch he decided to go to the bathroom before going back. On the way there he heard Nazz whisper yelling at someone.
"I don't know who the hell you think you are, Grant, but just know that I hate your existence."
"Nazz, Nazz, Nazz. Ms. Head cheerleader, calm down." Grant ran his hands down her arm and she cringed.
"The hell!"
"Don't be so difficult, babe."
"She's not you're babe," Kevin said. He was scared but he couldn't let his friend be handled any which way.
Grant and Nazz looked over at him and Nazz felt fear develop inside her. She knew that Kevin couldn't win against Grant.
"Kevin, I can handle this myself," she lied, knowing she couldn't.
"No you can't and I wouldn't let you if you could."
"Well, Kevin..." in one blink, Kevin was on the floor reeling from a punch that came out of no where, "You are either too brave or too stupid. Either way, you just pissed me off." Kevin grunted when a foot connected with his chest.
"Stop it Grant," Nazz yelled but he didn't stop.
He pulled Kevin to his feet before kneeing the boy in the stomach.
Kevin saw Nazz texting someone panicked. Probably Nat seeing as she'd always done so. Kevin glared, angry for not being able to help himself. He'd always had to rely on Nazz or Nat for help. Not this time. I one quick move, Kevin managed to gain the upper hand. He tackled Grant into the lockers, almost hitting Nazz. Once Grant was pinned, Kevin began to punch him repeatedly.
"Kevin stop," Nazz screamed out but Kevin heard nothing but Grant's grunts of pain. Once his bully slid to the floor, Kevin climbed on him and punched him relentlessly. All the anger he'd felt from this morning, all the memories of Grant and his friends hurting him for no reason, not eating a jawbreaker from his dad's company in five days had all been released in each punch. He punched Grant's face, beat his chest, slammed him against the floor. He ignored the pain in his fist and kept beating until someone pulled him off.
"Stop it, Kevin," Nat said but Kevin pushed him away and tried to go back but was blocked by someone.
"Pumpkin thats enough." Kevin's blood froze and he looked up to see Eddward peering down at him.
"Get out of my way," Kevin exclaimed and tried to go past him but Eddward grabbed him and held him away from Grant.
"I'll take care of him," Eddward said to a horrified Nazz and Nat. They watched as he carried Kevin away kocking and screaming before looking at each other.
"Think thats a bad idea?"
"Leaving Kevin with Eddward? Yes and no."
"I agree." They looked at Grant and winced.
"Jeez, Kevin, you did a number on this guy," Nat stated before nudging him with his foot.
"Looks like he's alive..."

Kevin tried to fight Eddward's hold also but couldn't break free. Once Eddward had Kevin in an empty classroom he let Kevin go and locked the door.
"Get out of my way you double idiot," Kevin yelled.
"I can't do that."
"This isn't something a friend with benefits should be doing now is it."
Eddward glared at Kevin but said nothing.
"You are still walking home with-"
"The hell I am! I don't want to be anywhere near you right now!"
"Well that's too bad, Pumpkin."
"Stop calling me that! For all that is good don't call me that!" Kevin pushed Eddward as he spoke, just like this morning.
"Don't give me a special nickname!" Eddward. "Don't pass me notes to meet you!" Eddward. "Don't look at me with longing inside those hot blue!" Kevin stopped pushing Edd and backed away fatigued. He'd felt the tears fall but didn't bother wiping the away. Instead he backed far away from Eddward and sat on the ground to cry some more. He'd never seen Kevin like this and knew that he was the cause of those tears.
"Kevin... I-"
"If its an apology then save it and leave, okay?" Eddward groaned at Kevin's stubbornness before going inside the teacher's desk and pulling out a first aid kit. He walked over to Kevin and grabbed his hands, Levin letting him but his head remained uried in his knees.
"I owe you an explanation, Pumpkin." Kevin glared at Eddward but said nothing and buried his head once more.
"The reason I said I couldn't give you more was because... because I'm leaving." This caught Kevin's attention. He slowly lifted his head and gave Edd his most upset face.
"What? When was this?" Eddward sighed and began cleaning and wrapping Kevin's other hand.
"That day you came by asking to go out. My parents called me that morning and told me that we were moving again."
Eddward watched Kevin's reation. His expression shiftex from shock to confusion, then to guilt.
"Were you going to tell me? Where you going to tell anyone?"
The blue eyed genius looked at Kevin's wounds rather than his eyes and Kevin knew that he wasn't.
"Why won't you tell anyone?"
"It only makes it harder to say goodbye, Pumpkin."
"Then why tell me? Why tell me here and now after I said those awful things to you?"
"Because, I owe it to you," Edd said with a strain. He packed up the first aid kit and sat it aside. Kevin barely noticed Edd's first aid on his body but he still felt the pain.
"I always move every two years since my parents are scientists. I never gotten this close to someone else because I knew I would leave eventually.
"When I started here, Eddy and Ed befriended me even after I'd tell them to leave me alone. Eventually I jjst went along with it all. I would notice you in the halls but I knew I couldn't get involved with you. For years I'd managed to stay away from you but when thjs year came, I allowed myself to believe that their job had finally allowed me to settle with you."
Eddward brought Kevin closer to him and hugged him tight.
"That's why I said what I said. I wanted you to be angry with me. Hate me so that goodbye wouldn't hurt you. Now I see that this is worst."
"You weren't going to say goodbye anyways, though." Edd chuckled and nuzzled Kevin's neck.
"You have a point."
Kevin turned to face Edd fully and then kissed him. The kiss was soft and short but what they both needed.
"You double jerk. You could have just told me."
Edd kissed Kevin with more power this time. The boy was perfect to him.
"I'm sorry, Kevin."
"Pumpkin to you," Kevin said and Edd chuckled in the kiss.
"Yes, Pumpkin to me."

Eddy saw Nazz in the halls and they made eye contact.
He quickly turned in an attempt to avoid her but somehow she'd caught him.
"Eddy, you don't have to avoid me."
"Nazz? Why would I avoid you?" His nervousness rolled off him in waves and Nazz smirked, ready to make him squeal.
"I wanted to thank you properly for the gifts from last night." She kissed him on the cheek, close to his mouth. For Eddy, everyone disappeared and only Nazz could be seen. She pulled back to look at his reaction and chuckled.
"See you around Eddy."
When she walked away, Eddy could only watch as she purposely swayed her hips seductively. When he he finally snapped out of his daze, he saw a small piece of paper tucked inside of in hand. He opened it and grinned like he'd won the powerball.
'Call me' was written in Nazz's scratchy writing and her number directly beneath it.
"Yes!" He shouted then ran down the halls like a happy crazy being.

Kevin sat at the dinner table and nervously looked to Larry Barr who, in turn, was staring at Eddward. Kathy had insisted Eddward stayed for dinner to clear the air but Kevin now knew that was a bad idea.
"So, dad, how's the factory?"
The older Barr grunted in response and remained staring daggers into Eddward's directions.
"Larry, Kevin asked you a question," Kathy said.
"The factory is fine, son. How's your heart? Is it still broken." Kevin sighed, knowing where the conversation was going.
"Larry, please-"
"No, Kathy. One second my son is in tears because this kid decided to try and toss him out like left overs-"
"-now he's here eating with us at dinner time."
"Dad, it was all a big misunderstanding."
"My ass it was!"
"Larry that's enough," Kathy stated firmly, "you are going to let the boy explain himself or so help me I will hit you!" Kevin watched as his father grumbled then looked to Eddward.
"Alright, sweetheart, explain your side of the story," She told Eddward sweetly.
"I got a call from my parents saykng that I had to move again."
"Again? Does this happen often," Larry asked, more calm than before.
"Every two years, yes."
"But you've been in Peach Creek for three, haven't you," Kathy asked.
"That's correct. I assumed that we were settling here since all that time had passed. I decided to try and be with Kevin, something I've wanted to do since coming here. I see now that it had been a mistake to do so."
"So being with my son is a mistake to you?" Edd looked Kevin's father in the eyes and answered honestly.
"Yes, being with Kevin was a mistake. If I had kept my distance from him, if I'd done what I always do when I move to a new town, then I wouldn't have such a hard time saying goodbye to him. I wouldn't be asking if it's right to let him go or be selfish and not let go."
Kevin could say nothing nor do anything except look at Eddward. He never told him any of this in the classroom and he was right. If he hadn't talked to me then he could have just left and possibly drifted away like a paper in the breeze.
"Well, that's something," Kevin's mother said. She looked to her husband, who looked less hostile now. "You're wrong," Larry said, earnin a confused look from Eddward.
"I said you're wrong."
"I'm not understanding sir."
"It's not a mistake to love someone when givem your circumstances. Its quite the opposite." Larry took a bit out of his food then began talking while eating.
"When you haven't had the luxury of making friends most of your life; when you haven't been able to connect with people deeply, it takes it's toll on who you are. I bet coming here you'd planned to drift around like you've done before but met people that wouldn't let you."
That's what Edd said. My father is psychic!
"Once you made those friends, you began to feel more at home here. When you saw that the routine was broken you were filled with hope and decided to pursue my Kevin. Only now, you regret it because you're going to hurt him. In this I see no mistake. I only see that you really love my son."
"No, Kevin, he's right." Kevin looked towards Eddward and saw that Eddward was grinning down at his food.
"Before coming here I was never happy. Now I have Eddy and Ed. Now I have you."
He looked towards Kevin and Kevin"s heart began to beat fast in his chest.
"I can look back at these things without regret because they made me happy."
"Oh, and Eddward," Larry said gaining everyone's attention, "I wasn't the one to worry about."
"I'm not understanding, Mr. Barr."
"Meaning that if you hurt my son again," Kathy said before stabbing her fork into the mini sausage on her plate, making Eddward, Kevin, and Larry jump and hold their privates, "I will hurt you." Her smile and sing song voice made Eddward feel true fear.
The rest of dinner went by smoothly. Kevin and Larry fought over the last steak. Kathy and Eddward laughed at them. Dessert had been...steamy under the table, but not between Edd and Kevin.

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