"You just realized that you like Anna when it was so obvious." I said and I looked at the time, I am actually getting ready on a date with Aubrey to the movies again.

"Well, aren't you going to ask me how I knew that?" James says to me while walking to the couch and he sat down.

I stood up from my bed and opened my closet then I tipped my head up pretending I was thinking, "Hmm....no not really." I said and I looked at my closet looking for a decent shirt.

"Ok, so it actually happened...."

He starts telling me what happened even though I said no. So I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying I just threw a bunch of nods, and uh huhs.

"So we went to the carnival yesterday-" At the mention of the carnival I immediately snapped to his direction. We had a deal that if there are carnivals we go together, and if one isn't available the other one can't go.

"You went to the carnival without me?!" I said and he stopped and he nods, so it seems to me he really don't pay attention to our truces anymore.

"I asked you and you said you didn't want to come, so I brought Anna." He said and I shook my head and allowed him to continue his story. I just fiddled with my phone while James tell the story, but honestly it has been 10 mins and he didn't stop. He only stopped once and it is because he didn't remember what happened next after the 'ferris wheel'. At the mention of the ferris wheel I already know it is one of those cliché love stories.

Finally the time turned 3:00 PM which means it's time for my date. I stood up from my bed and James didn't seem to notice I was leaving he was so busy talking, and so I left him there talking while I got down stairs.

I snatched my car keys off the table and walked to the door. I texted Aubrey that I am on my way.

Me: On my way baby

Aubrey: Faster oh my God, I need you to be there before I do, you know how much I don't like waiting alone.

Me: Ok baby

I turned off my phone and turned the latchofmy door and opened it, and I am greeted by Anna and her mom. If it was only Anna I would've chosen to plaster a poker face but since she is with her mom I chose to smile.

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Singe, how can I help you?" I said a little too enthusiastic if you ask me.

"Oh I just brought one of my special chili for your Mom, where is she by the way?" She asked me.

"She's not here yet, but she will be home anytime soon." As I said that my phone buzzed and it was a text from Mom.

Mom: Mrs. Singe and Anna is going there, please invite them inside the house and stay with them while I am not there yet.

I sighed, "Please come in." I said opening the door wider and Anna smiled at me and I didn't return it back.

I know I am a bit rude to her. Well it might not be a 'bit' maybe full on rude. I don't know why but I am kind of having an anger at her.

Mrs. Singe placed her chili on the counter and sat down at the high stool wipig her palms onher jeans.

"Water, Tea, or Coffee?" I asked and Mrs. Singe beamed at me.

"Tea would be lovely dear, Anna how about you?"

Anna is standing staring at the small painting hanged on the wall, and she seemed so interested in it. She was so interested in it that she didn't hear her Mom, and so her Mom repeated Anna's name a couple of times and still nothing. Mrs. Singe looked at me grimacing.

"She is sometimes really hard to call when distracted by somethig, she often lose her focus." Mrs Singe said amd I nodded. Easily lose focus? That might be useful in the future.

"Anna!" Mrs. Singe said loudly and Anna snapped out of her head and looked at us.

"Coffee, Tea, or Water?" Mrs. Singe asked and Anna shook her head.

"No thanks." Anna said and she walked to the stool beside her Mom and sat down. I pur the tea in a cup and carefully placed it in front of Mrs. Singe. Then suddenly I heard fast steps running down the staircase.

"Clark?! why in hell would you leave me talking to myself?!" He shouted and I pursed my lips containing my laughter.

He finally got down the stairs and straightened his posture when he saw Mrs. Singe and Anna.

I walked to him, "Do me a favor and take care of them i am really running late for my date." I said quietly and he nodded eager to be in their service.

"My pleasure, besides I need some good points for Anna." He said and I chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"Sure dude." I said and let Mrs. Singe know I am leaving and so I left.

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