I flinch at him calling me an idiot. Then why are you so desperate for me to move?

You can at least try to get out!

Thunk. This hit sounds like it came from more than a sword or ax. It only certifies that these people are absolutely not border guards. I have to get out, but there is no possible way. And even if I do, there is a steady thumping coming from the outside. Now that I think about it, this carriage is sturdy. Really sturdy, to not be a pile of firewood right now. Maybe there's something else about this ride that I missed.

I start to get up and feel around in the tiny space, but then one of the attempted hijackers hits us a little too hard, and we flip onto the side. Too late I realize that we're situated on a hill.

I crash onto my side as everything tumbles over. I hear glass shattering and screams that aren't my own and panic. Shards of the shattered window fly at me and Elang. It's only us as we continued to somersault over rocks and branches and dirt.

After what seems like forever we stop, and I wish we hadn't. Now that I'm still I can feel my back start to hurt, adding to my headache and fear clenched stomach along with my worries for Elang. Things are just terrible today, and I can't bear it. First the attack at the Terra Palace and then this.

Why is Sanguis becoming such a dangerous place? Why am I here trying to fix that? It was stupid for my parents to think that I could disband whatever trouble is brewing. It's naive of them to think that I could ever do such a thing. Me. Of course I can't, because I'm completely useless. Look at how I'm holding up under pressure: a complete, utter mess. I know for a fact that the Airblood heir wouldn't be like this right now. I know that any of the Sparkblood princes would have burnt these people to a crisp by now, and that a Waveblood would've drowned them in a snap. But no, I'm just a Roseblood, useless without a few stupid blades of grass or dumb animals. Maybe I should change my name to Useless. Princess Useless Pele Puer of Hortus, Roseblood and idiot heir to the throne. No, Weak seems like a better option. That way, if I ever, magically, become useful, I can still live up to my name. Or maybe even Deceased like I'm about to be. It's a little strong, but I need some part of me to be.

Just as the thought passes my mind I hear the familiar footfall.

Bad Luck would be a more fitting name.

"Get this thing up!" one of them shouts.

"I'm trying. Why can't I just move it using...you know, our gifts. It would be easier."

"And it would give us away. Now...just...aargh!"

The carriage gives a lurch, followed by a hissing noise. It sounds like a thousand snakes are right above my head. I hope they're poisonous, for all of our sakes.

But the hijackers let out two of the most alarming screams I've ever heard in my life, each one becoming weaker and weaker before going out altogether.

They're dead, Pele.

Hearing Elang say that suddenly gives me new life. I struggle to my knees and pound at the side, the seats, the roof as the hissing gets louder. I suddenly realize that they're snakes. Sey immediately comes to mind, how he looked so strong and powerful and ready to do whatever it took to get rid of me. I could barely beat him, and even then he got away. What possible power do I have over this much?

"Elang!" I scream. I thought that I was scared earlier when my parents broke the news to me, but this is real. I can actually hear my death coming up to me.

"Help! Help! Somebody get us out!"

I'm sobbing. Elang flutters around in the tight space, and I suddenly remember when he and I became Vinculum. He was grumpy even then, like I was when I was younger. We met while I was throwing a temper tantrum in the woods. More memories flash through my mind and the noises slowly fade away. It must be later than I thought, because the sky's getting darker. In fact, everything's sinking around me. Finally. Now I can disappear.

Pele! Elang comes into my vision and pecks my face. Or at least I think he does. I can't feel it. The only thing I can feel is my body moving over something cold and squishy. But I'm tired. Tired of being attacked, tired of trying to do things that I will never be capable of doing.

So I let my mind go black, because I'm tired and I quit.

1.) How did you like this chapter? Feedback and comments are always welcome.

2.) Was I able to get Pele's emotions across? Were you able to get the gist of what was going through her mind?

I hope I could. But if I didn't, please recommend something I could do better with.

~Thanks~ ✌️

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