Chapter two

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It was a day after the war and all the remaining demigods and even some of the gods helped clean the battlefield. It was a sight to behold. The Romans, Greeks, Hunters, and even some of the gods all working together after such a devastation. It brought them all together. Hermes, Ares, and their kids retrieved the deceased demigods and put them in a pire. Apollo, his children and Hestia tended to the injured. The children of Athena identified and recorded the dead. Hephaestus burned the bodies, monster dust, and the ruined and bloodied plants. Demeter and Dionysus, accompanied by their children grew the plants back to full health.

Percy tried to help as much as she could, as she looked for her friends that she hadn't seen die in the battle. She helped the Athenia kids record the deceased, hoping she wouldn't find anymore of her friends. As she helped she came across many familiar faces, too many faces.

After the children of Athena told Percy to leave them to their work she went to see what she could do for the injured. She wandered through the infirmary, talking to and comforting the demigods. Percy saw burn marks, scratches, cuts, amputated limbs, but still she stood strong. She stayed strong for the demigods that couldn't. That were too hurt and broken by the war to stand strong, but she knew that they would heal. They were good people. They were strong enough to get up and recover. Percy wasn't strong enough, or maybe she just saw too much. She couldn't tell which, but maybe they were both true.

When they were done, the land looked beautiful. The plants, vibrant and alive. The weather seemed brighter. The exact opposite of the demigod's mood. The population of the demigods had drastically decreased. Hunters, Romans, and the Greeks all had major losses. But because of the war and the death, they all seemed more closer than before. There was really no need for conflict anymore. They were all the same. Each and every one of them had lost someone. Each were changed because of the war.

Everything seemed to be more peaceful than before, even the Hunters seemed more tolerant of the the boys. It didn't even seem like the demigods were separate groups anymore. Romans and Greeks were all chatting like old friends. Even the gods were socializing with their children. All of them trying to forget what happened that day. It made Percy feel better to know that they were all cooperating. Maybe there was hope here.

After awhile all the demigods decided to stay at Camp Jupiter. They were supposed to await the the council's decision for what the future of all the demigods were. At Camp Jupiter everyone was just split up between the cabins. Percy went with her old cabin, which had significantly less occupants. She knew she wouldn't get a good night's sleep. So she sat alone and just cried where no one would see her.

She cried for her friends and family. She cried for Anthony. The boy she jumped into Tartarus for. The man she thought was the one she would spend the rest of her life with. She cried until there were no more tears left, and once the exhaustion grasped ahold of her she passed into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The next morning, the demigods rushed to get up and get ready to go to Olympus. Apollo gave some kids a ride to Olympus. The rest of them took a bus. Percy wanted to have some time alone, so she found her pegasus, Blackjack, in the stables. He was the same as always, which comforted her. Not everything changed.

"What's up boss!"

"I need a ride to Olympus," Percy replied. She smiled a small sad smile at her friend. They had some great times together.

"What did you do now boss?" Blackjack said. There was a light tone to his voice that made her chuckle.

"I did nothing!" Percy replied trying to sound dignified. She stroked his mane, then she sobered. "We're just going to see what the gods have decided for us. Like how they'll change the camps and stuff."

"Fine with me, boss."

Percy got on Blackjack's back and they both flew toward the Empire State Building. Percy always enjoyed flying with Blackjack. It was always beautiful and peaceful. She loved how the wind blew her hair back and how the wind whistled in her ears.

Not Mine (Percy Jackson/Doctor Who Crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz