Chapter 2

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Mr Parkers P.O.V

As I did the register I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She looked up at me with her chocolate brown eyes. Someone had to cough to distract me from her. I couldn't think like this. She is my student for gods sake! For the rest of the class I snuck quick glances at her. She never noticed but her friend did. I need to be careful about it. "Miss Jackson, why don't you tell us what you know about algebra." I said. She looked up. "I'd rather not." she replied. She was smart. I admired that. I felt a smirk coming on. The headmaster knocked and entered the room. The headmaster was also my uncle. "Just here to see how you are getting on." he said. I saw Jess lower herself down in the chair. I smiled. "I'm doing just fine." As the headmaster left he turned around and said. "Miss Jackson, I can still see you. Are you coming to after school detention?" "Yes, why would I miss it?" I coughed to cover my laugh. She glanced up at me smirking.

Jess's P.O.V

God he was hot. Wait what was I saying. I couldn't like him he was my math teacher. But god did I like him. "Jess?" What. I looked around I was still in detention. Uuuhhh. As I walked home from detention it started to pour. Just my luck. A silver Mercedes pulled up beside me. The car window went down. And who happens to be behind the wheel. Mr Parkers. "Do you need a lift?" he asked me. Aw what the heck? I said yes and climbed into the passenger seat. "So are you single?" I heard myself ask. I cringed as soon as I saw the look of surprise on his face. "yes I'm single." he replied. "How old are you?" I asked. What was it with me asking questions. "21, you?" "17" I reply. Was it just me or did he look like he was going to throw up? "Are you ok?" I asked. My voice trembeling. "Yeah, I'm fine." he replied but his voice trembled too. The rest of the car ride was silent. "Just pull up here." I said breaking the silence. He looked shock. "My house is just around the corner." I was shocked. My new hot teacher lived around the corner from me. 

Mr Parkers P.O.V

I watched her as she walked back to her house. God I was so stupid. I ran my fingers through my hair and drove home. 

"Please." I begged my Uncle. "I think I'll make a difference with her." He sighed. "Fine." You can do detention with Jess." 

If theres any readers I will update soon If not I still will.

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