Father and Son - ENDING

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Finally the older Harkness responded to the pokes with a grumble shifting himself so he was sitting up, well he attempted to, but he realised that there was a small being sat upon his legs. He noticed that the being was a small child and his eyes were large and a deep blue like his own. Jack blinked as the boy looked back at him, his small hands having gone to his own feet that he now was playing with. "What're you doing?" Jack asked, his tone gentle.

Oliver shifted forward now. "Checking" he answered simply, he had crawled towards Jack's face and sat beside it, placing his small hands upon his cheeks and he pulled them softly resulting in a chuckle from the older Harkness. "I am real" Jack stated. Oliver moved his hands from his cheeks back towards his own feet, he moved his head forward staring at Jack's eyes incredibly closely, Jack was finding Oliver's investigating to be highly amusing.

"If you get any closer your head will hurt" he warned although Oliver was not listening and as it happened he hit his forehead upon Jack's own. "Ow" he muttered, rubbing his forehead. Jack moved gently from Juliet's side, having picked up Oliver gently by this point. "Come on, you'll need something to make that bruise hurt less" he stated. Oliver nodded, placing his small hand upon Jack's shoulder. "Mum was talking about Faith - what's that?" He asked quite suddenly.

Jack exhaled slowly. "Well when you see nothing but the good in someone and you believe in them because your belief in them helps you go on. That's what Faith is", he answered as best as he could. Oliver nodded his head as Jack continued to carry him into the kitchen. The boy had shifted his head to look at the older Harkness with curiosity. "Who do you have Faith in?" Oliver asked. Jack smiled to himself. "The right kind of Doctor" he answered.

Oliver frowned. "I don't like doctors. They scare me" he stated. Jack chuckled. "You'd like my Doctor" he stated. Oliver shrugged not believing that he actually would. Once the liar had finally reached the kitchen, Oliver was placed in a chair while Jack moved to the freezer and got out a small piece of ice, wrapping it in a small cloth before placing it against the bruise on Oliver's forehead, keeping it there as he kneeled down beside him.

Oliver inhaled slowly. "What's a soulmate?" He suddenly asked. Jack raised an eyebrow. He didn't know what kind of questions he was going to be asked but he did not mind them not entirely for one they were entirely innocent. "It's a.. Well, it's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person, well, actually they don't make you a better person... you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you, and accepted you, and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens.. you'll always love them." He answered softly.

A smile seemed to come across Oliver's lips, a light seemed to shine in his eyes. Jack was wondering if what he had said was giving the boy hope, he surely hoped so. He knew that it was better to live with hope than to be a shadow in the world. Juliet had told him so and he knew she was right, she didn't even need to hear that she was. "I have an idea" Oliver commented. Jack raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" He asked.

Oliver inhaled slowly. "I want to help, Mum" he commented. Jack chuckled. "You are very much her son" he muttered to himself. "Alright. Help it is. Just don't wake her" he commented. Oliver grinned and took the cloth away from his forehead, placing it down on the table. Oliver took off down the hallway, Jack took the cloth and placed it on the mantelpiece before following after him. Oliver grabbed Jack's coat he was certain was dry by now and placed it over Juliet's torso to keep her warm.

Jack was the one to grab the wine glasses and the bottle. Oliver knew not to touch it, once he had and he ended up hurting his hand. After seeing Jack leave the living room, Oliver took off after him. He noticed the older male place the glasses into the sink before he put the wine bottle away. It hadn't taken long before the young Harkness lad had begun to yawn. "Tired?" Jack asked to which Oliver responded with a nod. Jack shifted and lifted Oliver up into his arms.

Oliver placed his head on the side of Jack's shoulder. "Thanks Daddy" he stated. Jack's eyes widened. "You figured it out" he commented. Oliver nodded in a tired manner. "I told you I was checking" he commented. Jack chuckled and smiled to himself yet again. He really did say that. It hadn't taken long for Jack to reach Oliver's room, he moved and placed the boy inside of his cot. He knew it would be a few more weeks and then he would grow out of it but he wanted the image to stay in his head.

Jack moved and placed the blankets gently over him. "I think before you sleep, I should show you something" he stated. Oliver furrowed his eyebrows he kept doing so until Jack pulled out a small package from his pocket, he placed it in Oliver's hand. It didn't need unwrapping because it made the wrapping paper disappear on it's own. It seemed to be a raggedy coat but it wasn't just that, Jack pressed down on it with his palm and rather suddenly a small device appeared in Oliver's hand, it made lights appear around Oliver only in a way that he could see.

It was like a protection. Juliet had made it and had asked him to give it to Oliver whenever he could. A smile came across Oliver's face. "That's cool" he commented. Jack nodded. "It can protect those you wish not to harm if you want it to, but you should ask your mother about it first" he stated, moving the raggedy jacket from Oliver to the table. "Hey Dad?" Oliver asked. Jack raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" He questioned. "Try to talk to her more" Oliver answered before he shut his eyes moving off to sleep.

Jack nodded his head and he left the room. He headed into the living room, taking his coat off of Juliet slowly. "You're going aren't you?" She muttered in a tired tone. Jack nodded. "Well then, I think this is my final act to you then" she commented, standing to her feet and moving towards Jack, placing her hands upon his cheeks before she kissed him quite slowly as if to savour this moment, she didn't know when she would see him again or if she would but she wanted to remember that.

"You better remember that" she whispered moving her hands away. Jack nodded his head. "Oh always" he stated before he turned and left the house. Jack didn't know that what he had given to Oliver would account to what he would decide to wear in his future and he also didn't know that the kiss Juliet had suddenly given him would be her last with him.

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