Nothing Short Of Surprises

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Juliet moved forward taking ahold of Jack's hand gently. "Why do you want to dance with me for, Jack?" She asked, placing her other hand upon his shoulder. Jack inhaled slowly, placing his other hand on her back, it wasn't like a formal dance, it was like a close and personal one. "I told you, old times sake", he answered simply. Juliet raised an eyebrow. "You know what would be clever?" She asked, the two of them slowly dancing together by stepping side to side. "What?" Jack asked. "Turning on some music, clever head" Juliet stated.

Jack suddenly stopped removing his hand from her back and moving his other hand from her's. He turned around and moved towards the record player playing some light music on it, it was mostly piano music. Juliet did something rather unexpected, she did a silent jog and flung herself onto Jack's back. Her arms gently hung loosely around the front of his neck. "What the heck are you doing?" He asked. "Old times sake?" She replied.

Jack laughed. "You mean that one time you did this when we were trying? That old times sake?" He asked. Juliet placed her chin on his shoulder and hummed. "Yes" she answered. Jack shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands on her legs, holding her up behind him. He was giving her a piggy back. "So what now?" He asked. Juliet sighed. "Backyard. I want to show you something" she stated. Jack raised an eyebrow. "It's raining outside. We'll get wet" he commented. Juliet laughed as if that statement was absurd. "There's such a thing as shelter, Jack. You may have heard of it" she commented. Jack smirked, he completely forgot about that.

Juliet kicked his side softly. "Giddy-up Horsey - I mean Jacky", she stated, placing a gentle kiss upon the side of Jack's face, before placing the side of her face down on his shoulder. Her gaze solely upon his face. Jack knew she was watching him. That was something the two did a lot amongst bantering and sassing each other. Jack moved towards the back door, Juliet reached over towards the door opening it for Jack so he wouldn't need to let go of her. Jack stepped through, what he saw next amazed him.

Juliet had amazed him again. "Do you like it?" Juliet asked in a very childlike manner. Jack nodded his head. "Yes, how did you do that?" He asked. Juliet smiled to herself. "A sudden inspiration from a surprise plus Oliver was helpful" she answered. Jack raised an eyebrow. "It's a swing set which doesn't get rusty!" He exclaimed. Juliet laughed. "It is indeed" she commented, climbing down Jack and landing on the ground softly. Juliet walked around so she was standing beside him. "Now the surprise" she stated, taking Jack's hand again, placing it on her stomach.

Jack almost made a rather strange sound which Juliet was fully familiar with, he'd made the same sound when he found out that Juliet was pregnant with Oliver. "When?" Jack asked, keeping his hand there. Juliet inhaled. "Remember that time three months ago when we went out to that dinner and got drunk?" She asked. Jack pulled a face, thinking for a moment. "Vaguely" he answered, his attention returning to the small bump that Juliet had presented. Juliet inhaled "That was when. It's a girl by the way, I checked. I did it myself" she commented.

Jack was smiling like an idiot by this point. "Oliver's going to have a sister" he commented in realisation. Juliet nodded. "Yes. He's going to have a baby sister" she stated. Jack and Juliet soon turned and headed inside, locking the back door before plomping down on the couch, the two cuddling each other before drifting off into a sleep, unintentionally of course. Down the hallway the young Harkness climbed out of his cot and waddled down the hallway, stepping into the living room.

His big blue eyes fell upon Juliet and Jack cuddling one another and a big smile came across his face. The boy moved towards the couch climbing up on it, sitting down on Jack's legs, finding him strangely comfortable. Oliver gently began to lightly poke Jack's legs with his index fingers in an attempt to wake him up. He was certain it would work.

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