Nine (Meeting Father John)

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" Anything I can do to bring that ... that devil to come to justice for his actions would bring me gratification. The police did go through every question possible. Tersely interrogated, I do not think they left a brick unturned."

"Mother Superior. I hate to bring this all up once again, but I cannot rest knowing this fellow has not been identified or penalized for his actions."I never thought before of that possibility, but speaking the words aloud verified the facts. She peered at me with a sneer in her eye, and her anger and intense dislike intensified toward the rogue who caused her world more pain than one might imagine.

"My first question, Ma Seour! 'ow could it 'ave been even possible to 'ave 'appened? Your society is a close-knit one. W'en would 'er be left alone to be attacked or to meet up with anyone?'

"That is the problem, Monsieur. We are never left to ourselves other than in our cells at night. The only possibility of being left to oneself would be but for a brief amount of time. Being alone does happen on occasion at school, perhaps when a pupil misbehaves, and they are required to remain for discipline. In that case, the student will often walk the Sister to the convent. It is rare when a Sister walks by herself. But it does happen."

"We will be 'eer for as long as it takes to conclude our investigation. I would like you to speak with your Sisters and attempt to bring to mind anything t'at may 'elp. It may be the least, most inconsequential t'ing in your minds, but yet mig't provide a clue," said the Monsieur. "If we work toget'er, I expect major results. N'est pas?"

"Of course, Monsieur. I will speak to my Sisters at length, and we will pray. Give us two days of intense soul searching and prayers, and we can meet with you again. Will that suit you?"

"Indeed. I would also like to speak to the one who seemed the closest to my sister. She might know something."

"That would be Sister Theresa. She and Sister Marie, your sister, were inseparable. They might've spoke together in secret. So far, no disclosures have reached my ears. I will continue to encourage her to share whatever she knows." Mother Superior stood to bid us farewell.

A sudden crash jolted me out of my seat. The cruel sound seemed to come from outdoors, but the nun did not pay attention. It must have been a pickup of rubbish or the likes. Mother Superior appeared most supportive. Her speech and manner did not suggest to us that we were imposing at all; however, going through all the questions once again did cause her angst. Her fingers danced on her desk top. One could only imagine the same questions and interrogation being a quest of mental endurance.

The window in the cell across the Office wasn't open. Did someone push it down? Had it been shut all along. The blind had moved, as though a breeze filtered through the screen.

"Which cell did Sister Marie engage?" I said.

"This one across my office. Not another person has entered the cell since her death. It is too soon."

Not shocked, yet mystified, I was persuaded Sister Marie had revisited her cell during the time we climbed the stairs and questioned Mother Superior. 

Our feet stressed the creaking stairs as we stepped down the staircase, every strain informative of our dismissal. Lizzie, seated on a chair below the staircase, seemed relieved at our emergence. Her pink lips curved upward. The sunshine, glowing out of the eating hall window, caught the sheer redness of silken strands in her hair, its shine like the glimmer of a stream at dusk. Her appearance glowed. What a beautiful girl she was.

On the way outdoors, the Monsieur said, "'ow about if we visit the priest? I am certain 'e will 'ave some light on the situation. The Sisters go to confession at least once a week, if not more often. My sister mite have mentioned the name of her transgressor." I had to admit, the idea had crossed my mind.

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