28. #No_filter

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Dev's POV

The sea splashed on the rocks. Water droplets hit my face breaking my trance. I was sitting on marine drive staring at the violent sea. I still remember the day when I had saved Neha. It still shakes my spine. I was not able to face her and occupied myself in my work totally. What an escapist I have been not realising for once that my sister needed my support the most at that time. In the process of self- healing she drifted away from me, from her own self. She has become a rock who can't see anyone's pain. Her tongue is sharper than a knife now and her sarcasm her shield. We often judge people on what they appear to be forgetting that there is always a baggage that every action of everyone of us carries.

From that day I count myself as an equal culprit. How could I have ignored the sadness in her eyes for those two years? How was I so blind? Neha hates me and I don't blame her.

Another wave splashed and I remembered this is the exact spot where I had met Sonakshi few months back and today just because of her all the old wounds have resurfaced. Its not that Neha is broken from within. She has grown into a confident and independent woman but yes some scars won't leave you. They'll taint a portion of you forever.

I had never discussed this with Bunty and I understand that Sonakshi would have wanted to help me in some way or the other but atleast he should have told her that I deserve my privacy, my space.

I remember always wanting to compose my own music but since that incident there was no inspiration in me. I met Sona.The ease with which she sang her own compositions were  inspiring and I did help her in creating it further but now I feel that I am drifting into deep darkness.

My phone rang.

Car Singer<3

The screen flashed. I pressed the mute button and got up. Somewhere I feel that if she wouldn't have done what she did. Neha wouldn't have to relive those moments. I am not angry with anyone ... I don't know... I feel numb ... As if life has been sucked out of me. I don't want to talk to anyone, not to Sonakshi and Bunty atleast.

Call me an escapist again but I don't want to ponder over this issue. I want to be left alone because I know if I talk to her for a second I'll lash out at her and I don't want to regret my actions... again.

Sona's POV

I called him again and again but he did not respond. I should have not done this. My stupid idea didn't help their situation but Neha had to go through those memories again. I should have asked Dev directly. What a moron I am!

Uff!! Why do I mess things up so badly always.

I kept my phone on my bed side table and stood in the balcony. This was the first major fight between us and I was scared about the consequences.

A car stopped near my house. Dev got down from it and I know he was ready to talk now. I wrapped a shawl around myself and sneaked out quitely.

"Why?" I was welcomed with this question as I came down. I gave him a puzzled look.

"Why? Why did you have to interfere Ms. Bose? We were fine the two of us. Yesterday I was trying to explain her that what she did to you by bringing your personal life in lime light was WRONG and here today you turned the tables by making her remember everything. Couldn't you have simply asked me? Did you see how she was shaking? Did you see the fear resurfacing in her eyes?" He said

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