Chapter 21: The Haunting Words

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Fendrel stiffened. "Yes. My son."

Althalos shook his head. "Yes. You're my father." He turned to Seraith, smiling at the female blue dragon. "That is actually a good idea, Seraith."

"I wonder why no one's thought about it before?" Katelyn asked, quite sarcastically Althalos observed, but no one made to offer an answer, and she huffed.

"Can you do it then?" Miasmador asked, his enormous head pointed straight at Althalos, same with his red eyes. Althalos, with his own ruby orbs, noticed the slight tinges of gold still tracing the red irises of the lavender dragon. "Can you, Althalos?"

"I think so, let me see," Althalos said, concentrating. He channeled the darkness that already flowed within his veins, a part of Merec's bond, so to speak, and forced it to stretch outwards, covering them all already as he whispered,"Myrkr abscondring."

"Did it work?" Fendrel and the others saw no difference standing out in their surroundings. They glanced around, but again, saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"Yes," Althalos replied, then tilted his head. "How come you do not see this gigantic black shadow hanging over us?"

"Spells are more of a personal thing," Katelyn explained, casually waving an arm around as she continued,"Especially dark sorcery."

"Care to explain, little woman?" Miasmador inquired, puffing out smoke once more from his nostrils, baring his teeth, as if a threat.

"Shadows made are only seen by the caster, nobody else can." With that, she walked off, announcing out,"I'll go gather some firewood!"

They left her to her work, then Althalos nodded to every question directed at him, mainly if it really worked, but Seraith asked a question that had both Silent Ones scratching their heads, looking for an answer.

"When and how do we attack?"

After many minutes of arguing, Althalos sighed and proclaimed,"It is rather clear you can't think straight when you're sleepy. Rest, father, and we will discuss more tomorrow."


"Me, and the Nightwalkers will keep watch," Althalos ordered, but again, a yawn erupted out of his mouth, betraying him.

He looked to his right and saw that Justin was already preparing Alianor's cot, and his own, but Fendrel still stood, glaring at the current Shadow Master.

"No. You barely slept. I will take watch."


"You will not win this argument, my foster son, so I suggest you prepare your cot like Justin is doing, and go to sleep."

Althalos and Fendrel did not notice, but Miasmador did when a low growl emanated out of Seraith's throat as she glared at the Shadow Champion with her unique iridescent eyes.

"Everything alright?" Miasmador asked her, settling a little too close to her, in the blue dragon's own opinion.

"Yes," She hissed out, her forked tongue slipping past her maw and revealing itself, and like a snake, a hiss of its own was done by the young century-old dragon.

"Really?" The witty dragon that was the purple Miasmasor asked again, not believing a word, or rather, the word she had answered him with. "I don't think you are."

Meanwhile, Althalos and Fendrel were still arguing on who takes first watch, when Katelyn returns, bearing an armful of twigs and branches, and no once batted an eye when she said that there were no sufficient wood for a fire that can last hours.

Shadows Reborn (2nd Book)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz