Chapter Twenty Three

Beginne am Anfang

"What the heck? I told you to stop! Get out now."

"But - "

"I. Said. Get. The. Fuck. Out!" She seems shocked by my sudden outburst. "Get out! NOW!" She huffs and walks to the door.

"I will do anything to make you regret what you did to me today. I will make sure no one can get you if I can't, and at that time, you have no one except me to accept you." She said that and walked away. I take the small vase on my table and throw it on the floor. It's scattered into small pieces and fills the floor.

Just then, Joseph comes into my office. "Dude? What's wrong? And who's that chick?" He asks me

"Find someone to kill that woman now." That's all I said to him.

"Woah chill. Kill who? And why do you look so stressed? Tell me"

"That woman really doesn't know who she is playing with or what I can do to her life."

"Wait, what did she do?" He takes a seat on the sofa and looks at me.

"She asks me to have sex with her here, and she even tries to threaten me to make my life miserable." Joseph laughed. "Did I say something funny?" I ask.

No, no, it's just that woman is funny. Who does she think she is? Threatening you? That's ridiculous." He replies and laughs again.

"But what if she tries to make a false statement about me and her? And Alexa sees it? My life will be really miserable. I am trying really hard to get Alexa back, and if she says something to Alexa, Alexa will hate me forever, and maybe I can't even meet my children anymore." I explain.

"Well, you have to go and kill that woman now because she can do all those things." I walk and then sit on the sofa too. We talked about it for a few minutes before starting to talk about work.



Ughh, it's so frustrating!" I said I would throw my handbag on the couch as soon as I got into my house. "What should I do to make him mine again?" I ask myself, and then an idea comes to mind. "If you don't want me, that means you sure have another woman. So, why don't we play a little game here and see if your beloved girl still wants you or not?" I said it and chuckled. I take out my phone from my handbag and dial someone who can help me with my plan.

"Hello. Why do you call me?"

"Well, I want you to help me with something. Can you?" I ask my helper.

"What kind of thing?"

"Well, you know Elijah Perkins, right? So, I want you to find out who the woman is that is with him now and tell me about it as soon as possible." I said.

"That's easy. I will let you know about it the first thing in the morning tomorrow." I smile evilly.

"Good," I said, and I hung up the phone.

The next morning.

I groan when my phone rings early in the morning. I answer it, but my eyes are still closed and I'm ready to sleep again. "I got the information about what you asked me to do yesterday." My eyes lit up when I heard that.

"Really? Okay, tell me who it is." I sit up straight and smile.

"It's his ex-wife, Alexa Johnson. She lives in Los Angeles with their children. They already get together now, and it seems they will get back together soon. I saw a few pictures of them, and they even went to Italy together. She's now a fashion designer, and I can tell she's quite famous; that's why I can get the information easily."

"I will transfer your payment later to your account. You did A really good job. I will call you if I need anything else." I hang up the phone.

His ex-wife? Well, Elijah, that happiness will come to an end after I send our pictures together to her. And let's see if she still wants to be with you or not. We'll see later.



I'm in a good mood today because I talked to Alexa last night. I really miss her, but I'm so busy with my new project now that I can't go to Los Angeles and meet her and the twins. I'm smiling alone when I remember our upcoming vacation. I can't wait for it. Even though Alexa is cold towards me, I'm still happy as long as she talks to me and answers my phone call.

The day just passed so fast, and now it's already 5:30 p.m. I stand up from my chair and just put the paper in one place, making my table look neat. Just then, my phone lit up. I furrowed my eyebrows and took a look at who it was. Private number? I open it, and my eyes widen when I see the photos of me and Rebecca kissing, sleeping together, and getting into a hotel three years ago, and one photo from a few months before I met Alexa. There are like eight photos in total, and Suddenly my blood boils in anger.

I called Alexa, but she didn't answer. My heart beat so fast, and the anger was still there. Why did she not answer the damn phone? Alexa, please answer it," I mumble to myself.

A few moments later, she picks up the phone, which makes me feel so relieved. "What do you want more?" She said it in a cold tone. Oh no...

"Alexa, listen to me. I can explain what is going on." I said I was hoping she would listen to my explanation.

"What explanation? Elijah, I know you, and I also know that you won't change. Your behaviour is not going to change, ever. I already expected all this stuff. So have a nice life of yours."

"Ale-" she hung up the phone without even letting me talk. Alexa didn't want to meet me anymore, and now I'm really doomed. I need to explain all this to her as soon as possible.

Who the hell is behind all this?


My blood is boiling, and if I see Rebecca, I will kill her on the spot. This woman ruined my chances of getting Alexa. She doesn't know how hard it is for me to get Alexa to talk to me and meet me.


How's chapter 23?





Much love from me.

Little munchkins

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