Chapter II

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"So, tell me," Javier asked, "what's up with you?" While John was trying to think of an answer, the waiter brought them their drinks. "Well, you know that Amy and I broke up a few weeks ago," John said with a low voice. Javier was quite surprised by his answer, "Wow, you're still hooked on her. I really didn't expect that." John sighed and said nervously, "Well, yeah, after all we were together for a while. I guess I'd just like to go back to that feeling of being loved." Javier told him, with a smile on his face, that everything will be alright and that he would certainly meet someone new. "After all, you might already be acquainted with that person," Javier said. "Maybe you shouldn't only be looking for girls, you know," Javier concluded, "you may be able to meet a nice guy. You should be open to that possibility." John agreed. They continued with irrelevant chit-chatting for a while before asking the waiter for the check and leaving. After exiting the bar, they started walking in the direction of the closest tram station.

After his talk with Javier, John started feeling more conscious of his presence. While they were walking towards the tram station, John noticed their hands brushing against one another a few times, but didn't think much of it. After a few minutes, and an exchange of a few bad jokes, they arrived to the tram station. Javier reached for a hug and John reciprocated. Surprisingly, the hug lasted for a few long seconds, which wasn't normal for John. Before leaving, Javier told John "If you ever feel a bit down, just call me. I'll do everything in my power to make you smile again!" He winked, waved and withdrew from the station, continuing on his way to the bus.

John was a bit surprised, "That sounded a bit dirty," he thought. "Surely he can't have meant it like that," John said to himself. He was thinking about Javier's words for a few minutes. He was John's best friend since childhood. They grew up together and to this day they live in neighboring houses. Javier was a relatively compact, muscular guy and he was a great listener – a quality that John admired in people. He had hair black as the darkest night and teeth white as snow. The one thing that John liked about him a lot was that he always wore ripped jeans – something that John wanted really badly, but that his mom wouldn't let him buy. He could usually be seen wearing his baggy T-shirts as well. While he was thinking about Javier, the train suddenly came and spooked John. Without thinking too much, John pressed the button for the doors to open and stepped on the tram.

He rode a few stations and then finally arrived at home. As he entered his flat, he smelled the nice smell of fish and chips – his favorite meal. His mom came from around the corner and greeted him. They hugged and John asked her when dinner will be ready. "In about 20 minutes, give or take," she answered. John happily said "That's great, I'll be in my room until then." He went to his room to put down his stuff. As he entered the room, he saw a blinking light on his computer – it was a message from one of his classmates. The message was from his class' president, Max, and it read "Hey John. Our English teacher just called me and she told me to notify you she wants to meet with you tomorrow after your last period. I'm not sure what it's about, she was really secretive about the whole thing. I hope you're not in trouble!" John whipped up a quick reply. "What could it be about," he asked himself. "I hope she didn't notice me looking at her today in class, that would be really awkward," he said.

Just as if nothing happened, John turned off his computer and rushed downstairs to the dining room. He was really hungry.    

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