Chapter I

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Even though it was just an ordinary English lesson, the lives of a teacher and a student changed drastically. 

John was having a hard time focusing on the lesson and was mostly blankly staring in front of himself. He neither understood nor tried to understand the lesson. He was simply lost in thought. Even though most of his daydreaming consisted of golden beaches, glorious heights and green forests, sometimes he would imagine himself playing his favorite games or lying in his bed. One thing in particular caught his attention - he was dreaming of a woman wearing a deep blue dotted dress. That woman was no other than his English teacher.

His eyes focused on the serene presence of the woman standing before the class. With her brown messy hair, sparkling hazel eyes, and charming smile, she could sweep any person off their feet. John saw her as an embodiment of Aphrodite. The thing he liked the most about her was that she always wore dresses that showed off her figure. He had to put in a lot of effort into not staring at her legs and her back whenever she was facing away from him. One more thing about her was that she was never seen in school without her cup of British tea in hand. No matter who you asked about her, they would say that she had all the characteristics of a sophisticated woman.

"What is the problem, my dear?" she said, waking John from his daze. Even though he was a bit confused, he managed to whip up an answer and replied, "No problem." Realizing that everyone was looking at him while commenting the situation silently with their classmates certainly didn't make him feel any better. Many people would blush in such a situation and John was no exception. A cute giggle from the front of the class managed to divert the attention from John. Even though he couldn't say it out loud, he was really grateful to the teacher for helping him get out of the awkward situation. 

The class ends in 20 minutes. It would usually be a lot, but this time it flew by so quickly for the blonde-haired student. Every little while he started overthinking stuff that happened hours, days or weeks ago. "I'm so stupid," he thought to himself, "if only I could just disappear for a few hours! Oh great, now she's looking at me. Stay calm and don't do anything stupid! Just play it cool." He smiled back and subtly waved, "Fuck, why did I just do that!? I'm a complete moron!"

A few minutes before the class was dismissed, John heard the teacher laugh to one student's comment and he mumbled, "Who the hell does Logan think he is? How does he dare to make her laugh without my permission."

Just as the bell was about to ring he asked his colleague Javier if he wanted to go to a nearby coffee shop for an hour or two. Javier accepted, after all he was his best friend. John didn't want the teacher to have a chance to ask him anything after the bell rang. A sudden loud ring echoed through the building. John and Javier picked up their stuff and rushed out of the classroom as fast as they possibly could. As he was exiting the classroom, John looked towards the teacher, only to see her staring back at him. She smiled, not saying a word.

As they were walking down the stairs on their way out, Javier asked John if he was alright. "You seem a bit odd today, are you okay?" Javier asked. Caught off-guard, John answered, "Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind, is all. Let's go grab a cup of coffee and chill." Javier nodded just as they left the building. They walked down the street, rounded a few corners and ended up in the local cafe. Even though it was quite unusual for the cafe, it was almost empty. They sat in the first booth they found, took off their jackets, and ordered their drinks. School was over for the day and now it was time to relax.

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