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LA 5:00 pm

I'm getting ready for my next destination which is Paris. Paris now is my 7th place I have to go to. Traveling is my hobby since me and my ex broke up so I was planning about moving on by traveling and it works for me to so I grad my stuff in my suitcase and also I grad my favorite shades so I look like cool. When my phone rang...

"Hello?" I spoke up.

"Hi honey! I just want to say take care in Paris" I heard my mom in sad voice.

"Mom don't worry ill be fine you know that this is good for me we talk about this." I remind her.

"I know I just want to remind my baby." I can hear her chuckle a little on the phone.

"Mom Im not a baby anymore!" I remind her too.

"Okay just take care when you get there, okay?"

"Okay mom, love ya!"

"Love you too!"

I'm the mommy's girl in our family since mom and dad divorced when I was only 3. I go straight ahead to the door and unlock it and grab my phone to get an Uber.

Airport 5:30 pm

I put my suitcase to the scanner and head to the departure and give my ticket to the attendant and find my seat, I like to seat near to the window because it seams I'm in heaven.

Paris 5:19 am

I spent 11 hours and 49 minutes seating in the plane and now I got out from the airport and I see the most beautiful place where I can see the Eifel tower and I can see this cool outfits these girls are wearing.

I check-in a hotel near to the tower and put all my stuff from my cabinet and I'm so excited to explore Paris so I can't my clothes, drag my wallet and keys and way to the exit.

I got so plenty of pictures here in Paris so it's time for me to have a break and eat my breakfast. I got in and order french bread and coffee since i got diet. When the waiter serve my food I can feel that someone is staring at me but I just ignore it and now I can't hold the annoyance so I look back and see this tall, curly hair, dark brown eyes, perfect jaw line and lips. I was lost of what I saw. "Hey (Y/N)!" I was disturbed by my day dream but who the hell is calling me? "YN remember me?" .....

To be continued

Im sorry guys for the late updates😔😔😔😔

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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