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    I open my eyes and I have no idea where I am. I'm lying on a bed, which isn't my own. I look around a I see an oxygen tank beside my bed and one of those tube things up my nose. I see Niall sleeping on the couch on the other side of my bed. I must be in the hospital, but why? What happened? I close my eyes and try to remember everything that happened, but I can't remember a thing. When I opened my eyes I see Niall standing beside my bed asking how I am, but when I was about to tell him I was feeling better, I couldn't open my mouth. I couldn't move my body either. Panic crawled through my body. I started to have cold sweats, and I see Niall panicking and calling the nurses and the doctor to tell them what happened. Just as the nurses and doctors were coming inside, everything fades to black.

    It was all a dream. I wake up all sweaty and my heart's pounding out of my chest. I look at the time and I see that it's already 9am. I jump out of my bed and started getting ready for work. I was already late for work and just thinking of the things I'll hear from my boss makes my head throb. I jumped in the shower, doing my best to finish in 5 minutes. I didn't bother to eat breakfast since I didn't have the luxury of time to do so. I go outside my apartment and waited for a cab, and if my luck wasn't bad enough, a car passing through splashed water all over my uniform. 'Great. Just great' I managed to tell myself.

    Seeing that there were no cabs passing by and my uniform already drenched in gutter water, I was not talking none of it anymore. I decided to just walk to work, which was about a 30-minute walk. I was late anyway so I just took my time. While I was walking, I passed by Times Square and saw an ad for an upcoming One Direction concert at Madison Square Garden. I didn't really put much thought into it but my dream came back to me. Why was it that Niall was the one in my dream with me at the hospital? Why wasn't it Liam? or any of the other members? Why was it the one person who's been nothing but cold to me? I snapped out of my train of thoughts and I noticed that I was unconsciously staring at the Niall's big face at the ad. Did he always have such pretty ocean blue eyes? Did he always look that cute when he smiled? Well how would I know? He never bothered to smile at me, but nonetheless, he still looked dreamy. Wait. What am I saying? What happened to me? Is this because of the dream? Snap out of it Shan. It was just a dream. He doesn't really care about you.

    I get to work and there's already a long line of customers. It seems like everyday more and more people crave coffee. I put on my apron to cover up the disgusting mark the gutter water left and went behind the counter to start catering to the customers' needs. The moment I get behind the counter, I hear my boss screaming. Oh gosh here we go.

   "Shan! What the hell is the matter with you?! You were supposed to be here two hours ago! With this kind of performance and attitude don't expect you'll be working here for much longer." My boss threatened me, but I'm not in the mood this morning. I still have a hangover from last night's party after the game, I didn't get much sleep, my body ached, and I'm sure as hell am not going to be taking any of it today.

    "Okay you know what, Jonathan?! I have had it with you. I've been working really hard and all you see are all my  short comings. And let me tell you that I know all those rumors you've been starting about me round here aight? And I am not taking none of that shit anymore okay? You see this apron and drink right here? You can shove them up your hairy ass because I quit!" The moment I say those words, I immediately felt this huge thorn removed from my chest. I went all Cookie Lyon on his ass, and it felt damn good. All the customers stared at me and started to whisper, but I really didn't give a damn anymore. I'm free from this hell hole and I can do what I want.

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