Members' Free Day

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    It was 9am and everyone was still a bit groggy and hung over from last night's after party, everyone except for Liam that is. He woke up extra early today for I don't know what reason. "Are you ready lads?" Liam asked us. "We're ready" I answered briefly. I was fixing my things and minding my own business when I hear Louis saying he was excited to see Shan. Before I could say anything, I heard Liam and Louis having a conversation. "I'm warning you Tommo! No one can date my cousin." Liam warned giving Louis looks as sharp as daggers. "What? I'm just excited to see her that's all." Louis defended. Oh please give me a break. I can see how Louis looks at her. Anyone with half a brain and 20-20 vision could see that he has something for her. The thought of it annoys me so much. I'll just not stress myself about it. I'll get to see her anyway. I'll just do my best to low-key support that cutie.

    After everyone finished preparing and getting dressed, we went on our way to the stadium for the game Shan's been training for. The trip felt like forever. I guess that's how it feels when you want to see someone so much and even a few minutes can feel like forever.

    We get to the venue and I try to seem uninterested in the whole event. I wouldn't want Shan seeing through my façade. We buy some snacks before the game then we start finding our seats. A few minutes after, the game starts, and the moment I see Shan I'm already at the edge of my seat, but I see their coach talking to her and she seemed sad after, what could they have talked about?


    You got this girl. You've been training so hard for this. You're going to win. After telling myself that, I hear Coach Reynolds calling my name. I went to him and asked him what was up. "Look Shan, you're on the bench this first set. You'll play on the second set. Am I making myself clear?" Well isn't he a bearer of bad news. I'm the best blocker on the team. "But why coach? I'm like the best blocker on the team? Why would you hold me out till the second set? Come on that's not fair! I've worked so hard for this." I told coach angrily. "Don't you give me attitude Geltz! I know that you're one of the best players on this team, that's a given. I don't want you getting hurt because I know your condition. I know you have asthma and I won't have one of my best players going to the hospital." I guess I can't do anything at this point but follow what coach said I mean it is for my own good, "Yes coach I understand." I complied.


    I want to cheer her on so bad but I can't. I have this image to uphold. I've been waiting to see her and I can't wait but once the game started she didn't play. She was benched. I asked Liam what the reason what and he told me that Shan actually had asthma and she wasn't allowed to exhaust her body. Hearing this actually motivated me to do my best to be her man so I can take care of her. She needs someone who will love her and take care of her and treat her like she's a queen. Before I knew it I was staring at her and I quickly snapped out of it before anyone noticed. She looked so pretty spiking and serving the ball and every time she blocks it I fall deeper and deeper for her.

    After the game we planned to surprise the team, well except Shan since she already knew. It was sort of like a victory gift for them. A gift I hope the team appreciates, especially Shan. The moment we enter the locker room and everyone's eyes met ours, we hear instant screams and spazzing from all the girls from the team. Shan came to us and told us the team was so shocked and thankful that we took the time to visit and congratulate them for their win, but little did they know that the sole reason I wanted to do this was to see Shan, not the team.

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