"You're an alien?"

"Yeah. But you don't have to kiss me either that's the Stones job." He winked at the Time Lady who shook her head at him. "She's also a Time Lord." He informed wrapping an arm around her waist.

"You both look human."

"You look Time Lord." He counted. "Anyway."

"So if that's San Helios, all we need to do is find that city," Christina stated. "They can help us."

"I don't think it's that simple." The Stone hummed. "We're in the city right now."

"But it's sand." She looked at the blonde. "That first image, the temples and things, what's that then, ancient history?"

The flies then chittered. "The image was taken last year." The Doctor said.

"It became a desert in one year?"

"He said there was something in the sand." The Stone muttered. "The city, the oceans, the mountains, the wildlife, and a hundred billion people turned to sand."

"All those voices in Carmen's head. She's hearing them die." The Doctor at the Stone pulling her closer, just the thought of handling the sand which held millions of people made her a little sick and he could clearly see that she felt horrible about the whole ordeal.

"But I've got sand in my hair." Christina cried. "That's dead people. Oh, that's disgusting. Oh."

"Something destroyed the whole of San Helois." The Stone breathed.

"Yes, but in my hair." She looked at the Time Lady who rested her head on the Doctors shoulder before jolting her head up at the ringing phone. She then dived into her pocket and took the phone out placing it to her ear.

"Malcolm, you might as well tell us the bad news." She muttered before placing it on speaker for the Doctor to hear without placing his head next to hers.

"Oh, you both are clever." He said. "It is bad news. It's the wormhole, Doctor, Stone. It's getting bigger. We've gone way past one hundred Bernards. I haven't invented a name for that."

"How can it get bigger by itself?" The Doctor muttered glancing at the Stone who was in thought.

"Well, that's why I'm phoning. You'll work it out, if I know you, sir, ma'am."

"Doctor, Stone we estimate the circumference of your invisible wormhole is now four miles heading upwards. I've grounded all flights above London we can't risk anyone else falling through."

"Good work, both of you." The Doctor nodded.

"But I have to know. Does that wormhole constitute a danger to this planet?" She asked. The phone then beeped as the Stone breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing UNIT if either of them told the danger they would try and close it down trapping the Time Lords and the humans trapped on the planet, neither of the Time Lords wanted to die of old age, especially not here. "Sorry, we have a call waiting." The Stone informed pressing the button.

"Yeah?" The Doctor said into the phone.

"Doctor, it's Nathan. We got those duckboard things down, but..."

"It's my fault." They heard Angela cry through the phone alarming both Time Lords.

"No, it's not," Nathan said, "don't say that."

"Why, what's happened?" The Doctor asked.

"We kept on turning the engine, but, we're out of petrol. Used it all up. Even if we can get those wheels out. This bus is never going to move." He said. The Doctor stared into the distance his grip tightening on the Stones hand who swallowed hard.

Arising From the Fall [4] (The Parallel Series) ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें