The Next Doctor - Two

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"Doctor! I thought you were dead." Rosita ran up and hugged the next Doctor as the Time Lords walked into an alleyway with the man.

"Now then, Rosita. A little decorum."

"You've been gone for so long." She exclaimed then looked at the Doctor and the Stone. "He's always doing this, leaving me behind. Going frantic."

"Reminds me of someone." The Stone glanced at her Doctor slightly smirking as he rolled his eyes at her.

"What about the TARDIS?" The next Doctor then asked.

"Oh, she's ready. Come on." Rosita walked off.

the Doctor looked at the Stone. "I'm looking forward to this."

"You and me both." The Stone replied, grinning.

They followed the next Doctor and Rosita into the stables. "You were right though, Rosita. The Reverend Fairchild's death was the work of the Cybermen." The next Doctor told her.

"So, you live here?" The Doctor raised a brow.

"A temporary base, until we rout the enemy. The TARDIS is magnificent, but it's hardly a home." He stated making the Doctor and the Stone both blink.

"He can't be you I know you adore and love the TARDIS."

"Almost as much as you." He grinned at her jokingly. "But your right..." "And where's the TARDIS now?" The Doctor then asked.

"In the yard."

"Doctor, what is all this luggage?" The Stone asked eying the cases scattered around.

"Evidence. The property of Jackson Lake, the first man to be murdered." He said. "Oh, but my new friends are fighters, Rosita, much like myself. They faced the Cybermen with a cutlass."

"I didn't really do much." The Stone shrugged. "Only threw him the sword, I'm lucky it didn't take off your hand." She winced at the thought.

"You did better than I did, I'm not ashamed to say, that you both were braver than I. Quite the brilliant pairing." He commented making the Stone blush and look down as the Doctor beamed wrapping his arms around the Stone pulling her closer. The next Doctor then walked over messing with a case as the Stone and the Doctor headed in the opposite direction. Eyeing the cases the Stone brought out her sonic and scanned the luggage as quickly as possible.

"Are you whistling again?" The next Doctor asked over his shoulder.

"No that was me, sorry." The Stone gave a sheepish grin as the Doctor mouthed for Rosita to not say a word to the next Doctor when he noticed her eyeing them. The Stone then moved over to a pile of the suitcases and moved one from the top with the Doctors help.

"That's another man's property." Rosita looked at the Doctor seeing that he was helping the Stone.

"Well, a dead man's." He retorted opening up the suitcase.

"How did you two meet, then?" The Doctor asked searching through the case.

"He saved my life." She said making the Doctor grin. "Late one night, by the Osterman's Wharf, this creature came out of the shadows. A man made of metal. I thought I was going to die. And then, there he was. The Doctor. What about the two of you?" She looked between the Doctor and the Stone.

"He was friends with my cousin, we were all kids, I was in the library one day and they both came running in causing a right racket." I glared at the Doctor a moment. "Made me so angry that I hit them both over the head, haven't stopped hitting him over the head since." She chuckled the Doctor grinned to himself. "How long ago did you meet the Doctor?" She questioned Rosita.

Arising From the Fall [4] (The Parallel Series) ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat