Into the woods

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Andara ran as fast as she can.

Andara"Nooo dad died.. then my mom, I shouldnt have left her!"

She heard heavy footsteps of men

Men 1"Find that girl we need her or else thos crime would be exposed!"

Men 2" naah just leave her! shes just a child! She would not exposed this crime men."

Men 1"yes she will! It is her family, she would be willingly to report this to someone else!"

One of the men saw Andara.

Men"There she is!"

Andara"Leave me Alone!"

Andara runs. The men fired their guns. Andara climbed up the tree.

Men 1"where did that kid go?!"

Men 2"Lets just go back men I think we shot her."

Men 1"Are you sure?"

Men 2"No! but i got the feeling yes."

they searched and searched but still no clues where Andara is. The men were tired and decided to go back.

Andara felt relieve because she saw those guys going away. Then as she look at her side there was a snake.


Andara freaked out and fell down the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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