Chapter 34

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3days later

3 long day have past, I've barely slept, my mum and Joan have been everyday to keep me calm but it doesn't work how can I keep calm when m wife won't respond and I still have no idea about the children

"Daddy" I hear but I thought it was a dream until I felt someone nudging me, there she was Sophia was awake. "Baby girl" I say and pick her up on to the bed. Knowing that someone was okay did cheer me up a little. "Sophia you can have 1 hour with your daddy before you have to go back and rest" the doctor says and I nod for her.

"Daddy's here". Say and rub her back in small circles, my baby girl cried into my chest for a good 15 minutes I rub her back the whole time.

"Daddy is mummy okay" she asks "I don't know baby girl I wish I could tell you" I say and kiss her forehead. She pulls away from me and lifts up her top and my eyes widen "baby girl" I say as I see the friction burn that runs across her stomach "it's okay daddy" she says so innocently, she's not okay they shouldn't have had to witness that.

The door swings open and I thoughts it was the doctor but it was my mum I breathe out in relief I just wanted to hold my baby girl tightly. "Sophia" she says a little smile forming in her face. Sophia looks up in hop but buries her head back into my chest, she thought it was her mum and I kiss her forehead "I'm sorry" I mouth to my mum she shakes her head and sits down next to us "Sophia you not going to say hello to your grandma"I say and she shake her head "she's not Mummy" she says and tears form in my eyes.

The door opens and it's the doctor "Sophia you need you cream on you have to leav Daddy now" the doctor says and her grips tightens around me "Daddy please don't make me leave" she says "Sophia I wish you could stay but you need to be taken care of" I say and she nods, I kiss her forehead and place her back on the floor and she gets taken back away.

"When did she wake up" my mum asks "I don't know but she got brought into me" I say "how is she" she asks "she has friction burn across her stomach" I say and she nods.

"I wanna see Ariana mum but they won't let me" I say "go to the toilet and walk past her room see if you can see through the window" my mum says "I've tried there closed" I say and look down.

The nurse come in and I look at her with hope "please can you let me see Ariana please" I practically beg "you can have see her when you've had this injection" the nurse says and I nod and she injects me and I get out of bed "I'll let you go alone" my mum says "you can come if you want" I say and she shakes her head "no Malcom you need to see her I don't" she says and I nod.

I walk out the room and walk to hers and I'm aloud in and she's like she was 3 days ago same position but this time she has her arm in a case, "How is she, has she improved" I ask hoping for a reply "she's showed no sign of improvement I'm sorry Malcom"she says and I nod and kiss her forehead before making my way back into room.

I was totally broken, I didn't know what to do with my self or how I should be feeling all I know is that I was feeling extremely guilty. "Anything improves" my mum asks and I shake my head "she's got a cast on her left arm that's the only thing that's changed." I say and she pulls me into a hug.

The police come into my room and I look at them "you can have your phones back now" they say not that I wanted it back but I'll have them, they hand me the phones, They weren't dead or cracked which I was surprised at.

"What about the person" I ask and the police look down "there fine, I'm sorry" he says and I look down and scrunch my fists up "Malcom hunny calm down" my mum says "no I will not call down that son of a bitch is fine when my wife and kids aren't responding I will not calm down" I snap "Malcom I'm sorry this happened to you, he's in the police station" he says and that didn't make me feel better. They leave me alone and so does my mum I wanted to be alone I didn't want to see anyone.

I had 39 messages when I looked at my phone, I didn't open any of them, I look at Arianas phone and she had 56 all asking how she was and if she's okay

I look on her camera roll and all the pictures of us and this kids, is kissing, us in bed, us as a family, I started to cry, I missed her more than anything.

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