I'll Protect You

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We drove to set, at one point he asked me what I was going to be for Halloween. I said I don't know really, I'll text Lili and see if she has any extra costumes, she probably does considering thats her thing. I texted Lili "hey lils, do have any extra costumes? I need one for Coles party." Lili responded. "yeah i'll bring it by tonight before the haunted house." "great, thanks!" I responded. Sooo what are you going to be? I asked Kj. "Spiderman dude!" he's going to be so cute in a Spiderman costume, I thought.

Kj's point of view;

I looked at Cami. She's so stinking cute and I'm so glad we can spend today together. When we got to set I dropped her off at her hair and makeup, as if she needed any makeup she was so darn beautiful as is. She went up the stairs and before opening the trailer door the waved and blew me a kiss, with a cute smile. I waved and walked away.

After a long day of shooting on set the directors new it was Halloween (a legal holiday) and so they let us off way early. I went home to get ready for Coles party. I sprayed on a lot of cologne because I knew how much Cami loved the smell of it. Then I hopped in my big Jeep and headed to Coles house.

Camilas point of view;

Lili and I drove to her house considering I didn't have a car. We stopped at Starbucks bumping into Madelaine and Casey coincidentally on the way, stopping to take picture with a couple fans. When we got to Lili's house she pulled out a super cute bird/fairy costume from her closet, which Kj thinks is a moth. Then since Lili is super good at makeup she did both of ours then we headed to the party. I hated haunted houses but hopefully Kj would comfort his damsel in distress. When we got to Coles place Cole was a Pumpkin headed guy, Kj Spiderman, and with a matching Venom (who was Charles). Since venom was Spiderman's enemy, Kj and Charles thought of a funny skit that would soon make the internet blow up. Spiderman was going to be distracted and Venom was going to be flirting with me (who is Spiderman's girlfriend) then Kj who is Spider man is going to tackle him.(and the best part was I was supposed to call Kj "babe") it was fun and we had a lot of laughs. Especially when Charles posted it and it got 500,00 views.

 When we got to the haunted house I was scared out of my mind (even though I am an adult) it wasn't one of those "school carnival" Haunted houses when we walked in the pitch black cold house I grabbed Kj's rock hard bicep with both my hands and squeezed, he then leaned over and whispered in my ear "Don't worry Im right here, and I'll protect you." at that moment I wasn't scared anymore.

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