Cole Told Me

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I had just walked in the door with all my set equipment in my hand, stumbling over moving boxes, when I got a buzz on my phone it was a text from Cole before reading it I pushed all the boxes out of the way to make a path to my white leather love seat. It read "hey cam, i'm having a halloween party tomorrow night. it starts at 8:30 are you coming? let me know so i can make a reservation for you at the haunted house. dont forget to bring a costume! kj will be there ;)" he finished off with a winkey face. "shit" I said to my self. "I forgot to get a costume!" and plus I hate haunted houses how will I ever get a outfit in time for the party?! But that was the least of my concerns. See I had told everyone I broke up with my 3 year relashionship with my ex Ian. I only told Madelaine and Lili why. How could Cole know I actually liked Kj? "Lili" I said with a frustration whisper. I was to smart not to tell anyone else for I knew they would let the secret out. I broke up with Ian because he knew me and Kj's "Offscreen flirting" wasn't just playful banter. I couldn't bare to stay with Ian while I was semi with someone else. I opened texts and rushed my fingers over the keyboard as fast as I could, making a ton of autocorrected errors along the way. Hoping no one else knew. I sent the text to Lili "why the hell would you tell cole I liked kj?!" she immediately responded "don't worry cam, i only told cole and if he tells anyone else i will beat the shit out of him! xD" she said with a laughing face emoji. I sighed in huge relief. Right before I got up my phone buzzed again it was from Kj. I assumed it was him asking if I was going to the party, or what my costume would be. But it wasn't, the text from Kj read "hey, cole told me." My heart instantly dropped in my chest.

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