Say You're okay

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I opened my eyes and I was standing in the center of the room.

"What?" I grumbled

'Remember Alan, you're alone and you're always going to be. We have to make Austin think you're really fucked up just incase he's stupid enough to love you.'  The voice in my head chimed in

I started walking forward, throwing down and knocking over everything in may path. I walked over to the wall and punched it, my hand making a huge crater in the wall.

"Stop!" I cried out

'Make me'

"You aren't even real, you're just inside my head!"

'Well, That is a wonderful therory. But who is in control of you at the moment? Oh yeah, me.'

"Stop! Go away!" I yelled, leaning against the wall and sinking to the ground.

Tears fell down my face as I looked at the room I had just destroyed. My head started swimming, hundreds of voices all talking. All screaming. It wasn't just the one I was used to anymore. I layed down and pulled my knee's to my chest, closing my eyes as tight as possible.


I felt my body being lifted off the ground, but all I could hear was the voices so I kept my eyes closed tightly. I was put down and someone was lightly touching my face. I grudgingly opened my eyes to see Austin wiping away my tears. My eyes went wide as I realized it was actually him, and that I wasn't dreaming.

"hey it's okay...I'm Austin,remember?" he asked


I dried my eyes one last time and sat up straight, looking him dead in the eye.

"Where am I?" I asked nervously, hoping that this was all some fucked up dream

"in a mental be brutally honest" he sighed

Then The voices started screaming, even louder than before. I winced at the pounding in my head as heavy tears started to fill my eyes.  The Austin wrapped his arms around me and all at once the voices stopped. They all just melted away and all that was left in my head were my thoughts of how beautiful this moment was. All too soon Austin pulled back from the hug and mumbled a goodbye before leaving the room. I sat there, huddled up under the covers waiting for the voice to come back, louder than before. But they never did. Austin made the voices stop, Austin made my deamons go away.

This World Is Not My Home (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now