You're Going Nowhere So I'm Taking You With Me

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"Alan, how are you?"

"better?.." he seemed almost unsure of himself.

So I gave him a toght hug and a reasuring smile.

"Okay Alan. I'll back in a bit, if you need me just tell the nurse, okay?" I said

"Okay." He replied, sitting back down on the small bed.

After that I left the room for lunch so I could catch up on Alans file and know what he really needed help with.

Mentally unstable. Schizophrenic.insomniac. This has to be bullshit...  well Schizophrenic is probably true, but he's so sweet! how dare they say he's mentally unstable, it's all just mad men defining what mad is!

Later on after my lunch I was outside Alan's room writing down my observation so far on his behavior, He must feel like a lab rat in here, with us breathing down his neck all the time. I truly feel bad for him... I just gope I can help him get better..

I walked in a bit later and the room was trashed, and Alan was asleep in the corner of the room. Huddled up, vulnerable, and scared. I picked him up and wiped the tears from his pale face and I put him on the bed. I pulled the covers up over him, and he slowly opened his eyes. I watched as they suddenly got a lot bigger.

"Hey, it's okay...I'm Austin... remember?" I asked in reassurance


He dried his eyes one last time and sat up straight, looking me dead in the eye.

"Where am I?"He asked nervously

"in a mental hospital... to be brutally honest" he jumped the second I said 'mental hospital'. And I felt bad for scaring him so I sat beside him on his bed,wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a hug that he clearly needed but didn't want... but then his long sleave shifted and I saw the large pink puffed up scars running across his small wrist.

Why would someone so sweet do this to himself? And when did he do it last?

I was so fucking upset that someone, anyone had the nerve to hurt him enough to make him feel like he was worthless. I have to protect him. He doesn't deserve to be treated the way he is. And I don't know who is hurting him, but I swear to god when I find out I will make their life hell.

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