"You ready?" Sara asks Alex. He smiles.

Good luck.

*Sara's POV*

"Let me guess, Why?" Maya asks.

I shake my head with a smirk.

"I should've guessed!" Maya sighs. "But you're so sweet, Sar!" Maya embraces me into a hug. I hug her back.

"I think it should be Connor and Diamond's turn now," Alex smirks.

"Ah, yes. Those two lovebirds in the back," I add with a muffled giggle.

"If you insist," Connor nods.

"But caution, Connor didn't really come prepared," Diamond giggles.



Mom: Where r u?!

"Sara, what's wrong?" Maya and Alex chorus.

"Just, Mom," I sigh.

"And just Mom says, let's go, Sara," I hear Mom from behind.

Oh gosh.

--Back at Home--

"Sara, we trusted you!" Mom yells.

"What did I do--I went for a walk, stopped by the park--no big deal," I shrug.

"You were singing with that stupid, dumb, untalented--him, what's his name again?" Mom asks.

"His name is Alex, Mom. And he is the opposite of what you just described him to be. He is smart, sweet, and is talented. To answer your question,  we were singing to Maya," I burst.

"For what reason?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"Maya has done so much for everyone--we thought we'd show a little appreciation," I explain.

"Ok, what'd she do?" She asks, unpleased.

"She lied about her feelings for Diamond, helped Meg with Diamond's feelings, played matchmaker with Sabrina to help Alex with his feelings--and mine," I explain.

Oh dang it. Sara, you silly fool. Why did you mention Alex to your mother?!

"So I see--she's the reason you and that--burrito are even together?" She asks.

"Maya is my best friend, and you can't take her outta my life if you wanted to, Mother," I boldly say.

"Watch me. From now on, I'm gonna see you with nobody besides..whoever you hangout with besides Maya," Mom commands.

"Well, ok, I'll be the next social outcast," I murmur.

"Just stay away from Maya," Mom bursts.

Not a chance, Mom, I'm sorry.

"And hand me your phone," Mom puts her hand out.

I give her my phone with my palms sweating.

Here comes 3 months of grounding...

"I can't believe Nick and I even considered to let you and your ignorant boyfriend," she cringes. "date."



*Alex's POV*

"I hope nothing bad's gonna happen to Sara," Maya mumbles.

"Hopefully--but I'm praying. It's her mom so," I add with a worried expression.

"Everyone calm down, hopefully. Hopefully, Sara's mom won't give her a punishment and will understand," Henry announces.

"Yeah, I can't imagine Ridgewood without my best friend," Maya frowns.

Aww, Saraya feels.


Maya's phone. It's gotta be Sara.

Maya's voice breaks as she reads the text," I'm sorry, Maya. i can't keep hiding this from you. But..I always hated you..goodbye." She collapses into Henry's arms.

"No--no, Sara wouldn't do this. She loves Maya, and always talks about how she adores her best friend," I argue.

"Well this text says otherwise," Maya sobs.

"Maybe it wasn't Sara--it has to be someone else," I think to myself.

"Who would wanna break up Saraya, the most beautiful friendship alive?" Meg asks.

"They're so adorable!" Diamond adds.

"Ditto, I'm with Diamond," Connor nods.

"Omg, it's her Mom.." Maya snaps into realization.

"Ah, of course--she hates me," I sigh.

*Maya's POV*

I should've known better that Sara would never ever tell me that. She's always so sweet and kind--why else would she throw a secret get together for me??

"You ok?" Henry asks me, releasing me from the hug.

"Yeah," I nod. "I'm gonna have a long talk with Sara tomorrow," I chuckle, as I wipe my tears.

"These Saraya feels got me," Meg wipes her tears. "I can't take this--tell me how it ends, please. I gotta go," Meg walks off.

"Oh look, my mom texted me--see you guys!" Diamond waves.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Connor offers her.

She nods.

Aww, at least there's Donnor to cheer me up.

"You sure that you ok?" Henry asks.

"Yeah, I'm just fine," I nod.

Yup..just great.

*Henry's POV*

I wish there was something I could do...

"Everything's gonna be just fine, ok?" I ask her.

"I hope so," Maya's voice breaks, as I embrace her into another hug.

Well for right now, offering loving hugs will have to do...

*Sara's POV*

--In my bedroom--

I could say sorry to Maya a million times, and I would still be guilty. I mean she is my best friend, so. Ugh, why can't my mom understand?!

"Dad," I call him over.

"Yeah, honey?" He asks.

"You like Alex right?" I ask him, lowering my voice.

"I know he'll treat you right," he nods.

"Ok, thanks, Dad," I smile.

"And Sara, whatever your mother says--you can't let that affect your friendship with Maya. You have to talk to her--make her understand," Dad explains.

"Thanks, Dad," I smile, as he walks off.

Hopefully Maya will understand my motive. I don't wanna lose her after just meeting her. Ugh, Fate better play a roll in this scene because I can't do this alone...

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