chapter fourteen

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noun | ad - ver - suh - tee | meaning - a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune 

chapter fourteen 

It hadn't taken very long for the police precinct to become swarmed with demons. To the mundanes there, the demons blended in with the other police officers surrounding the building and trying to figure out what had caused the power outage, but Beckett saw right through their disguise and into their monstrous faces. With this many demons, he knew it wasn't going to be easy for Clary and the others to sneak the mortal cup back to the institute now. He also knew he would have to keep a low profile because even if he reunited with Luke, who also had the advantage of being a werewolf with shadowhunter training, the two of them would never be able to take on this many demons. 

Trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible, Beckett Jackson slipped out the front doors of the police precinct, getting past a few demons as he did so. He did his best to keep his head down and become as invisible as he could in his police uniform. As badly as he wanted to rush and find Clary, he didn't want to lead any demons to her. So, instead, he tried his best to follow her scent as nonchalantly as possible. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait too long to lock in on her location. It didn't help his nerves, though, when he followed it to the entrance of the unsafe underground tunnels of New York. 

Beckett figured -- or more so hoped -- that the quartet of shadowhunters must've deduced that continuing along the streets of New York wouldn't get them anywhere seeing as Demon's were coming in from just about every other direction, but if they got cornered in the tunnels they'd be in just as bad shape. Luckily for them, Beckett had no intentions of letting that happen to Clary. Silently, he put his palm against the service door leading to the tunnels and pushed it open. 

To most people, the underground tunnels would've been dark. However, Beckett had supernatural sight on his side, along with his department-issued flashlight that he cared with him when he was on duty. With that and his gun in his hands, Beckett slowly proceeded through the tunnels. A part of him thought about turning into a wolf, but that wasn't always the most convenient when it came to him being on duty and when in such a confined space, so he figured that until the moment arose that he had to change, he would just stay in this form. 

For the first few moments Beckett walked carefully through crushing silence. Then, in the distance, he caught the sound of something awfully similar to a struggle. His gun and flashlight still held carefully in his hands, he proceeded through the chambers with a heightened guard and fast-moving feet. 

When Beckett got to the end of the industrial hallway, what he found was a small opening, not big enough for much more then a few shax demons to fit into in order to attack a Shadowhunter, which just so happened to be exactly what was occurring.

The shadowhunter --who of course just had to be Alec  -- in question unsurprisingly seemed to have everything under control. He had his bow in his hands and one shot after another, notched and delivered an arrow directly into each of the demons who then proceeded to disintegrate on the spot.

 Alec, while being overwhelmed by shax demons, was surprisingly unphased by his situation. Beckett thought for a moment that he should just sit back and allow the shadowhunter do what he wanted, but then he noticed a shax demon crawling on the ceiling, right in Alec's blindspot. Still unseen by Alec, Beckett rose the gun in his hands expertly, his eyes narrowing as he honed in on the demon. The creature snuck closer to Alec, but it never got to it's victim as a single gun shot rang through the tunnels. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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