Archie trailed behind the group as they reached another important house and stopped in front of it. As they walked up and looked through the door there were dozens of hyper energetic kids running around the house and on the front lawn. They were all pulling pranks on one another while laughing uncontrollable. "These annoying little pranksters are the heirs of Hermes. Kevin's new house" Veronica said with a smirk noticing Kevin's smile falling into a deep frown. "A lot of mythology leaves out that Hermes was more than just the messenger of the Gods. He was also the God of deceit and his offspring inherited the prankster ways"

"Alright I think that concludes our tour" Veronica said as they stopped again at the mess hall. "After the last few days I've had I need some Ambrosia and Nectar. Then some training"

"Do you think they can handle training this early?" Abigail asked not wanting to leave their friends behind in camp by themselves on their first day

"What better time to start then now?" Veronica rhetorically asked laughing

Veronica was finally starting to feel better. She was back home and ready to get back to training. She was finally beginning to feel like herself again. It was hard for her to be in Riverdale, but at the same time it was her first sense of a normal life.

Normal is overrated anyways.


On the battlefield, there were tons of people practicing their skills. Dressed fully in a dark bronze colored armor.  The middle of the ground held the most skilled fighters, while everyone else stayed towards the outside of the field in order to keep themselves safe.

"Last one to need the infirmary wins" Veronica chuckled as she held her sword and gave everyone in the group a sword also

"Veronica that's not fair and you know it" Abigail said joining in on the joke as she said "These guys are gonna be dead before they reach the infirmary"

The two girls clashed their swords together as a form of their own high five. Then they just started laughing. They stopped joking around and separated them into groups.  Abigail was going to work with Betty and Kevin; while Veronica was going to work with Archie. Since he was the God of war's son then he need to learn how to fight as soon as possible.

"Archie I need you to feel the blades hit one another. It's gonna feel like a weight hitting your arm but the faster you move the less it vibrates in your hands" Veronica said as she slammed her sword into Archie's shield and sword as he tried to block

After about an hour of work Archie just laid on the ground and said "I think I'm getting the hang of this"

"If by this you mean, you legitimately need to work harder, then yeah you got this" Veronica said holding out her hand to help him back up his feet

On the other side of the battlefield both Betty and Kevin were on the ground also. Abigail had been working them to death for the last hour. Betty was a very fragile person despite her mother being the goddess of hunting. Veronica and Archie walked over to see Abigail making them do push ups for being terrible at fighting.

"Abigail. I thought we said we weren't going to kill them" Veronica said laughing as she started to take off her armor to go back to her house and then go find Jughead and hope Chiron didn't scare him away from camp


Veronica left the group to clean up their armor and Abigail would help the rest of them find their houses and get settled in. Veronica was walking back to her house while brushing her hair at the same time. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, so when she noticed what was happening she was being shoved into a tree. Her back was against the tree and her shoulder were being pressed to the tree by someone's forearms.

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