The Boldt Castle

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Penniless and flying by the seat of his pants, George Boldt, only 13 years old was leaving all he knew behind and heading off to America to start a new life. Born in a small town in Germany in 1851, George would find that New York City is like no place he has ever been before. He made it there in 1864, just a year shy of the Civil War ending.

He started off working in kitchens in hotels around New York City and at the age of 25, he landed a job at The Philadelphia Club. Little did he know, it was there that he would meet the love of his life.

When George first saw Louise crossing his path, they locked eyes, smiled, and it was love at first sight. With George making his way up in the world as an immigrant, William, Louise's father gave him approval. Within a mere year later, they were married. Then only two short years they had their first child Charles in 1879, and their second, Clover in 1883.

As the years went by the Boldt's spent time making their fortune managing the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, being the biggest hotel in the world at that time. Louise and George would work side-by-side making sure every guest enjoyed their stay. George took charge in managing the business side of things and Louise would decorate the rooms — dressing them up with flowers, candles, and even pincushions. They made their guests feel like royalty teaching employees, "the customers are always right." George knew how to make people keep coming back time and time again, and Louise was his counterpart, working along his side. You could say they were a perfect match made in the sky.

For some downtime, the Boldt's would head out with their kids up towards The Thousand Islands to enjoy some family time away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. They loved the area; surrounded by meandering waterways, chains of islands, and towering trees reflecting off the Saint Lawrence River. In 1895, Louise purchased an island.

George then conjured up a plan as Valentine's Day present for Louise (Also Louise's birthday). No chocolates, wine, or a typical bouquet of flowers were involved, but an entire castle on Hart Island to profess his love to Louise.

In 1899, Boldt put his idea in motion hiring over 300 construction workers and artisans to construct and design the massive stone castle. It would be set to be completed in five years to be presented to his dear Louise in 1904. On the island- Hart Island- George had the idea to include hearts in the statues, the architecture of the castle, flower beds, and on the stained glass in the foyer. To fit this heart theme, George even went as far to have the island re-shaped with sea walls to look like a heart. So, George changed the name fittingly too, Heart Island.

But, just one month shy of the grand Valentine's Day gift to be given, tragedy struck...

Louise died suddenly leaving George heartbroken and devastated. Construction was called off that cold winter day on the island. George's vision within hands reach would remain a distant dream as he turned his back, walking away from Heart Island, never to return again...


A story published in an article by Nicholas LaMontanaro.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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